« 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 »

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I've been a little crazy lately
I've been out of my head
I remember every word you ever said
And, oh, I, I never thought you
would betray me
A whole lotta regret
I cannot believe we're coming to an end


The first ones that got to visit
baby Akemi were Minho's parents.

And to say that they were absolutely
in love with the tiny bundle of joy
was actually an understatement.

"He looks so much like you, Min.
The same pretty eyes."

Minho's mom whispered with
sparkling eyes as she watched the
little baby in her son's arms, caressing
her grandson's tiny foot gently.

"Did you come up with his name?"

"Mhm. I know how much Jisung
loves Japan and we celebrated our
first wedding anniversary there.
Also Japanese names just sound
so pretty, when I heard his name
for the first time it just felt right.
And Jisung loves his name, that was
the most important thing to me."

"It's really perfect.
Our little Akemi."

The woman looked up at his son
and couldn't help but kiss his cheek
softly when she noticed how Minho
stared at his child with pure
adoration in his eyes.

She couldn't really describe this
new feeling that made her heart
jump and her whole body heat up
with joy when she saw her only
child with her grandchild.

Her little baby now had his own baby.

Sure, she had months to prepare
for this moment and she had seen
Jisung being pregnant too.

But now Minho was really,
actually a dad.

And she was so damn
proud of her son.

Meanwhile Jisung couldn't stop
thanking his father-in-law for all
the gifts they had brought for them.

A cake to celebrate Akemi's birth,
a beautiful bouquet of honeysuckle to
appreciate the tiny boy's birth month,
a little stuffed white bunny and
some homemade miyeok guk.

"My wife made the soup after a
recipe from her grandma, it's been
used in our family for generations.
Minho knows the recipe, I already
told him to make some for you once
this pot is empty. Eat it every day
to recover quickly, okay?"

"I will, thank you so much.
I'm pretty sure my mom will
bring some for me too so Minho
can completely focus on our son."

Jisung chuckled as he bowed lightly,
suppressing a wince since straining
his abs hurt quite a lot.

"I hope our seaweed soup will
still taste like home to you though.
Eat it with some chicken and rice.
After my wife had Minho, she
struggled quite a bit with getting
her strength back so we worked
on a healthy, balanced diet.
Samgyetang is also good even
if you're not feeling sick."

"Honestly I don't even know how
I feel at all. Everything is just so
sore and I'm really tired."

"I can't really imagine how you
feel but you pushed a whole little
human out of yourself, you're
definitely allowed to be tired.
I already made Dongeun
promise me earlier that we'll
leave after an hour. Your parents
want some time with you and
Akemi too and you should rest.

It's your first day as a family of three."

Minho's dad smiled at his son-in-law
and squeezed Jisung's hand gently.


The brunette looked up when his
husband and mother-in-law walked
over to the hospital bed and frowned
when he heard his son's soft whines.

"Someone's hungry."

"Oh? Again?"

"Well, it's been already two hours,
his stomach is small."

Minho chuckled as he carefully
placed their tiny kitten in his
husband's arms.

"Darling, that's our cue to leave.
Let's give them a little privacy, hm?"

"Okay. Goodbye, Min.
Goodbye Jisungie.
And see you soon, little angel."

Dongeun cooed as she stroked
over her grandson's head and
kissed his forehead as her husband
wrapped his arm around her waist.

"I'll bring them to the elevator,
is that okay, love?"

"Sure, you'll be back in two minutes."

The brunette smiled at the other
three adults and thanked his in-laws
again for their visit before he turned
his attention back to his tiny
fussy baby.

Akemi kicked his little legs in
protest when his mommy caressed
his chubby cheek gently but as long
as they weren't alone, Jisung
wouldn't take his shirt off.

"Wait a moment, kitten.
Just a second, hm?"

He tried to comfort the unhappy
baby in his arms as he rocked him
gently in his arms but it was no use.

Akemi was hungry,
not in need of cuddles.

"You're so impatient, did you
get that from your daddy, hm?"

Jisung tapped his son's tiny button
nose before he placed him on his
thighs so he had his hands
free to lift his shirt up.

The tiny boy gurgled softly as
he stared at his mommy, confused
why he had been placed somewhere
instead of getting his food."

There you go, kitten.
Milk for my sweet boy."

And only when Akemi finally
latched onto his breast after fussing
again for a few moments, Jisung could
exhale as he dropped his head
back and closed his eyes.

Having a newborn was
surely exhausting.

And being kind and patient with all
kinds of people who want to see his
baby was even more exhausting.

He had always kinda sucked at
social interactions but right now
he just wanted some peace to rest.

The only one who was allowed
to disturb him was his son.

"So.. Do you like your grandparents?
They're nice, hm? You got two more
though, they'll visit us later. And
how's the world so far, do you like it?
Do you like your parents too?
You got the best daddy, right?
Yeah, he's the best.
And he loves you so much, kitten."

But judging by the way Akemi had
his eyes closed as he suckled his
milk eagerly, his tiny hands holding
onto his mommy's shirt, he
probably wasn't listening.

And that was okay, Jisung just
smiled at his little one and carefully
ran his hand over his baby's head,
feeling his soft black hair.

"I love you too, bub."


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