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Nothing can breathe in the space
Colder than the darkest sea


It was safe to say that Jisung
didn't take the news really well.

A baby, a little human was now
growing in his tummy and he
hadn't even decided about
that fact in the first place.

His body was having a really
hard time adjusting to the new
circumstances, leaving the boy
puking in the bathroom half of the
day and resting in bed the other half.

And Minho couldn't do
anything about it.

He had to work, his company
expected him to be present in
his office so even though it was
tearing his heart apart, he had to
leave his husband behind in this
state every morning when his
alarm went off at 5.40am.

And every morning Jisung would
lay on the cold marble tiles in their
bathroom, breathing heavily while
tears were rolling down his
flushed chubby cheeks.

He didn't want to be alone,
even their cats couldn't fill the
hole in his heart whenever Minho
left him in this state.

And the constant feeling of being
useless was his new best friend,
he was a workaholic just like his
husband so laying in bed all day
was stressing him out extremely.


Jisung hummed softly when his
husband opened the door to their
bedroom, earning an excited
Meow from Doongie.

"How are you feeling?
Have you eaten dinner yet?"

But the blonde could only chuckle,
dinner sounded like his worst
nightmare right now.

"Sungie, I know your tummy is
upset with you but you need to
at least try to eat something.
You need the energy, my love."

"Don't want to.."

It was understandable,
why should he want to eat
something just to trigger his
stomach to throw it up
in the end?

But not only Jisung needed the
energy, their baby needed it too.

"Have you had some tea
today at least?"

"O-one cup..
.. It didn't stay inside though.."



"Then I'll make you some
fennel ginger tea now, maybe
your body likes that one more.
And if it does, I'll make you
some toast too."

Jisung only nodded with closed
eyes as he hugged Soonie, a sigh
escaping him when Minho placed
a soft kiss on his head.

In fact ever since the blonde
had come home, they had never
actually talked about the pregnancy.

On one hand the ravenette didn't
want to pressure his husband,
Jisung should take his time to
think about everything especially
since he was feeling so extremely
unwell right now.

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