« 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐱»

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Every day every day every day
I can feel you
Tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow,
I can’t wait wondering how
your smile will brighten and
make me laugh this time


"This one is the crib, then this should
be.. Oh, it's not the changing table.
It's another bookshelf, how
many did we order?"

"Two. But Min, look!"

Jisung squealed as he pushed a
small opened box to his husband,
his eyes practically sparkling
in excitement.

"Is this the mobile?"

"Mhm! It's so cute."

It was, it undoubtedly was.

The couple had searched quite
a long time for the perfect mobile
since the ones with a cat theme
hadn't been pretty enough
for their son.

And Jisung had been upset
about that for days.

It had affected his mood greatly
and poor Minho had been the one
to either deal with his husband's
out-of-nowhere tantrums or the
now brunette crying his heart out.

He just wanted everything perfect
for their little kitten.

But then one evening when
Jisung had been waiting for his
husband to finish his shower,
the perfect mobile suddenly
popped up on his phone while
he was looking at baby clothes.

It wasn't huge, just normal size
with cute white clouds hanging
down, small yellow butterflies
twirling between them.

'Kittens like to play and
hunt butterflies. Maybe our
kitten wants to catch a
butterfly too then.'

This had been Jisung's main
argument why he really wanted
to get this one for their baby.

And how could Minho ever say
no to his husband?

"Then you'll fix the mobile,
I'll set up the crib, okay?"

"Are you sure you can do this alone?"

And when the younger male
gave him a questioning stare,
Minho only snorted.

"I'm trying. But I won't allow
you to help me, you shouldn't
lift a finger, my love."

He didn't have much experience
with setting up bigger furniture,
they had always paid people to do
that for them in the past but
now it was a little different.

Their privacy was even more
important to them now and there
was no way they'd let strangers
inside their son's future room.

Also Minho was determined
to set up the things for their
little one on his own.

He just wanted to look at the nursery
with the knowledge that he did that
the best he could for their son.

And even if it was a struggle,
it was fun too.

These were moments they'd never
forget, memories adding to the
parent experience.

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