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But the first thing that I will do
Is bury my love for you


"I'll wait here for you, okay?
I love you, Sungie."

Minho rested his forehead against the
younger's, his thumbs drawing gentle
circles on his husband's soft cheeks.

He could feel those rough traces
of already faded tears on the rosy
skin as he stared into those caramel
orbs he had fallen in love with.

Jisung's eyes were red and swollen,
the concealer did a poor job hiding
the boy's misery.

The blonde wrapped his arms tightly
around his husband's waist when
Minho made an attempt to let go,
too scared to face the moment that
was awaiting him anyway.

"Mr Han-Lee, the doctor is waiting."

Minho growled under his breath
at the insensitive nurse as he hugged
the small male in his arms a little
tighter and placed a soft kiss on
his head when Jisung buried
his face in his chest.

"I'll be here for you when it's over,

It felt like everything suddenly
happened in slow motion, how
the small blonde followed the
nurse with shaking hands and
a heavy heart, how Minho
watched him leave with the
biggest frown on his pretty face.

Even if everything inside of him
screamed to run after his husband,
the ravenette knew that he couldn't.

He wasn't allowed to be in the room.

Jisung just wanted to disappear.

He didn't want to change into
the light blue hospital gown,
he didn't want to take off the
baggy blue hoodie that belonged
to his husband.

The familiar scent brought
him so much comfort.

But this was the choice he had made.

He had already visited the clinic
the day prior for the needed exam
and for the necessary ultrasound to
check if the abortion was safe for him.

And even that had pushed the boy
beyond his own borders of comfort.

"Mr Han-Lee, as we already
discussed yesterday, I'll give you
a sedative now so you can relax a
bit and allow us to do our work.
Have you taken the medicine I
prescribed you yesterday?"

Jisung nodded, his mind foggy
and his eyes half-shut.

Those stupid pills to help
open his cervix.

Of course he had taken them,
it was part of the procedure.

A brunette nurse with round glasses
brought the examination chair he sat
in the right position as he handed the
patient a paper towel to wipe away
the stray tears on his face.

Jisung hadn't even noticed that
he had started crying nor did he
know the reason for the crystal
tears on his pale cheeks.

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