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So I can melt into you
Hug my body
Even if it hurts, It’s okay
Among the cold and harsh waves
I need your heat
You are my volcano


The first thing Jisung noticed
when he opened the door to their

apartment was how much he
actually missed their cats.

A storm of energetically meowing
furballs rushed down the hall at
the sound of the door opening,
twelve cute paws drumming
on the parquet.


Soonie immediately hopped in
his owner's arms when Jisung
leaned down, Dori purring aggressively as he rubbed his
head against the blonde's leg.

"Did you boys behave while we
were gone, hm? Yeah, I missed
you too, so much."

The orange cat in the boy's arms
meowed cutely and nudged his
nose against Jisung's chin, demanding
attention but his owner was too busy
scratching the base of Doongie's ear.

"I see, you love Jisung more than me.
And I can't even be mad,
he's so amazing."

Minho chuckled and cooed when
at least Dori meowed in excitement
and waddled over to him, purring
as he got picked up.

"They don't love me more,
I was just the first one entering.
It's so cute how excited they are."

"They just missed us,
our sweet fur babies."

And Jisung could only nod before he
pressed a soft kiss on Soonie's head.

With the happily meowing cat in
his arms and Doongie following
him closely, the blonde made his
way to the kitchen to get a
little treat for their cats.

But when he opened the cabinet,
he couldn't help but chuckle
when he was greeted with tons
of different treats.

Hyunjin might be a dog person
but that didn't mean that he didn't
love spoiling the three fur balls.

Of course he had gotten a list of
things the cats weren't allowed to
eat and a few brand names that were
good for them, especially health-wise.

So there were only treats that
were actually good for their cats.

"Who wants something yummy, hm?
Yeah, you. I know you do,
you sweet thing."

Jisung cooed when Soonie meowed
cutely and placed his paw on
his owner's chest.

But the sound of someone opening
the bag of treats was the cue for the
two other cats to run to their owner.

It only took a few seconds for
Jisung to kneel on the floor, their
three fur balls sitting in front of
him and munching happily on the
treats and when Minho reached the
kitchen, he couldn't help but take
a photo of the cute scene in
front of him.

And his heart jumped when
his husband's belly was kind
of obvious in the photo.

Now that Jisung was five months
along, it was getting really hard
to hide the small secret that was
growing bigger every day.

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