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Looking at you like a star
From the place the world forgot


"He should be here any minute,
he promised to come home at 4pm"

Jisung muttered, more to himself
than to the few guests waiting in
the large living room.

Maybe he was also talking to
Doongie who was purring happily
as he snuggled himself close to
his owner's leg in hope to get
a treat or some scratches.

"It's okay, Ji. We know Minho,
he's a workaholic so there's
probably one last document
he needed to finish which turned
out to be a hundred pages.
We can wait as long as
there are snacks"

Felix chuckled and popped a piece
of chocolate in his mouth.

Indeed the freckled boy looked like
he could stay there for another
fifty years, perfectly content
being snuggled up to his
boyfriend and feeling small
in Changbin's buff arms.

"Yeah, it's fine.
There is food, good drinks,
a toilet and a cat I can cuddle,
I'm fine with waiting"

Chan added and booped Dori's
nose when the gray kitten looked
up at him with an offended look
why the male stopped to pet him.

But his friend's words somehow
didn't ease the blonde's mind,
instead he disappeared back into
the large bedroom from where
he had a good view of the entrance
to the parking area.

Still no metallic black Audi.

But right when Jisung was about
to turn back around, his eyes fell
on the black car rushing down the
street before parking rather hurriedly
in the right parking lot but when the
blonde noticed his husband, he
couldn't help but smile widely.

"He's here! Everyone,
get in your place!"

Soonie meowed unhappily when
his owner ignored him and rushed
back out of the room to get
the cake out of the fridge.

"Later, kitten.
You'll get snuggles later."

Jisung gave Chan a short glare
since the blue-haired boy was on
the couch and cuddling Dori instead
of hiding in the kitchen like everyone
else before rushing to the door so he
could greet his beloved husband.

"Sungie? Love, I'm home~"

"Hey darling, welcome home"

The blonde smiled widely and
immediately leaned into the touch
when Minho cupped his face and
placed a soft peck on the
younger's lips.

"Give me your coat, Min."

And the ravenette allowed his
husband to help him take his coat
off before Jisung grabbed his
hand and pulled him towards
the living room.

"Come on, the cake is waiting!"

"What cake-"

And happy birthday, Minho!"

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