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And there's nothing that I can do
Except bury my love for you


Five days ago

"Why… Just why.."

Jisung sniffled softly as he rubbed
his tired eyes before he hurriedly
leaned back over the expensive
porcelain bowl just to gag again.

Wagyu beef, grilled asparagus,
tomatoes, potatoes.

Minho had taken him out on
a date to the blonde's favorite
Japanese restaurant the evening
prior just because Jisung had
whined to him that he had missed
eating beef with his husband.

But now all the good,
expensive food went to waste.

It was not even six in the morning
when he had woken up to the
disgusting feeling of bile creeping
up his throat and his mouth watering
and before the boy could actually
think about what was happening,
his legs had already carried him
as fast as they could to the
closest bathroom.

Now it was twenty past six,
Minho's alarm would ring in
ten minutes and Jisung had the
feeling that his stomach was finally
empty, at least his body had finally
calmed down a little and wasn't
trying to get more food out.

Or maybe the blonde was
just exhausted, too exhausted
to even throw up.

Everything, okay, love?
Oh my gosh.."

"I-It's okay, I'm good."

But the way the blonde almost
laid there, his head resting on his
arm he had laid on the toilet seat,
tear streaks shimmering on his
chubby cheeks and his face
flushed said it all.

Jisung was not okay,
not at all.

"Come on, I'll bring you back
to bed and get a bucket.
Do you feel like having tea
or is it too early?"

"Too early.."

"Okay, love. I'll pick you up now,
can you pull your legs up a bit?"

The blonde did as he was told
and pulled his shaky legs up,
allowing his husband to pick
him up bridal style and Minho
only pressed a soft kiss on the
younger's damp forehead as he
carried him back to their bed.

"When did it start?
How long have you been
in the bathroom, love?"

"H-half an hour.."

"Oh Sungie."

A soft sigh escaped the ravenette
as he cupped his husband's cheek
and traced his thumb over the
flushed skin when Jisung finally
rested in his bed.

"I'll call your boss, you need to rest.
And I'll take your laptop with me so
you don't get any funny ideas, baby."

"B-but I need to.."

"No, Sungie.
The only thing you need is
lots of sleep and some stomach
calming tea and toast later, okay?
I'll work from home so just call me
or text me if you need anything.
Now sleep, my love"

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