« 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞 »

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And now you got me feeling
so damn low
I'm letting go
'Cause I can't take this anymore
Since you broke my heart in two
And now I know
That you don't love me anymore
So take my broken heart with you


"This is your car seat, kitten.
It won't hurt, it's not going to
explode or eat you either.
So there's no reason for you
to make a drama out of this."

Minho tried to calm his wailing
son as he picked him back out of
the car seat to rock him gently.

It was already his second attempt
to get the tiny boy in his car seat
since they were finally allowed to
go home but as long as Akemi
wouldn't approve of his car seat,
they were stuck.

"Have you tried covering
him with his blanket?
Maybe that calms him."

"Hm, I'll try. Do you want
your blankie, bub? Would
your blankie make you feel
more comfy?"

Minho asked his little son
as he hugged him close,
kissing his head gently.

The tiny boy had immediately
become quiet when he was back
in his daddy's arms and was now
only whimpering softly.

Jisung only sighed as he carefully
stood up and got the baby blanket
his son had already started
to love quite a lot.

Moving around was still very
tiring for him, every single part
of his body was sore and he was
sure that he'd need help walking to
the elevator and then to their car.

He was familiar with the feeling
of his body recovering, he had years
of experience with working
out after all.

But this was new and not
comparable to anything he
had experienced before.

"Listen to your daddy, kitten.
We want to go home, your brothers
are already waiting for us."

Jisung winced as he sat back
down on his bed so he could tie
his shoelaces but immediately gave
up when a strong pain shot through
his lower body as he tried
to lean down.

"Sungie, everything okay?"

"Yeah, it's just.. I need help
with my shoes."

The brunette pouted softly,
making his husband coo.

"Let me put this baby in his
car seat first, then I can help
my other baby get dressed."

Akemi whined softly when his
daddy placed him back in his car
seat, kicking his legs unhappily
when Minho buckled him up but
when the ravenette covered his
little boy with his baby blanket
and kissed his head, he slowly
calmed down.

"See? It's not that horrible.
And you'll love driving, you
can watch the clouds, hm?"

The small boy frowned when
his dad turned away from him
so he could help Jisung but Akemi
really wasn't having it at all today.

So he did the only thing he could
do as a tiny one day old bean.

He started to cry again.

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