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You know, whenever there's a chance
I will tell you that you're amazing
as you are
'Cause when you give me a glance
I am sure that I see the universe
in your eyes


"Dada.. Soo..ie"

"No, kitten. Daddy and Soonie
aren't in the kitchen.
Shall we look in daddy's office?"


"Right, it's time for lunch,
my sweet boy."

Jisung chuckled as he lifted his
little son up in his arms and placed
a soft kiss on his chubby baby cheek.

The tiny boy mumbled something
to himself while his mommy
carried him to Minho's office,
knocking gently on the door
before he opened it carefully.


"Yes, my love?"

"Kitten decided that it's kitten
and dad quality time now."

And Minho couldn't help but smile
widely when his husband placed
their small son on the ravenette's lap.

"Hi kitten.
Did you miss daddy?"


Akemi squeaked cutely as a
wide smile spread over his face,
his tiny hands going up to
cup his father's cheeks.

"I missed you too, little one.
So so much, daddy almost
went insane."

And Jisung couldn't help but
coo when his husband peppered
their son's squishy face with little
kisses, making him giggle in the
most adorable way.

His laugh was the absolutely cutest,
especially since you could always
see his two bunny teeth.

Like daddy, like son.

"Dada.. Nom.."

"Oh, someone's hungry?
Is your cute little tummy empty, hm?"

Minho smiled widely as he tickled
their baby's chubby tummy, earning
some more adorable giggles.

Akemi had only started to speak
a few weeks ago but his favorite
words so far were definitely
'dada', 'nom', 'mama' and 'soo-ie'.

Yeah, Soonie definitely never gave
up his guardian kitty role and always
made sure to stay at least in the
same room as Akemi.

"Let's go then, I bet the food your
amazing mommy made is already
starting to get cold, hm?"

And the tiny boy only giggled
when his daddy placed a long
smooch on his son's chubby cheek.

Eating had never been and would
probably never be Akemi's thing.

It had taken weeks to persuade the
small child that baby food was very
much edible and that it was about
time to eat something different
than just his mommy's milk.

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