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You were so warm
when you hugged me tight
I guess I teared up for a moment,
because it was the first time


"Good morning, my sweet love.
The sea is calling."

Minho whispered as he nuzzled
his nose against his husband's
chubby cheek, pulling the
younger male closer to him.

The sun was already peeking
through the light curtains,
leaving dancing golden spots
on the parquet of the huge
bedroom but Minho had decided
to let Jisung sleep until at least 10am.

He deserved the rest, he was helping
their little kitten grow after all.

And the flight had been very
exhausting for the blonde, his
tummy had somehow been quite
upset about the light turbulence
so instead of sleeping, watching
a movie or listening to some music,
he had been busy trying to
keep his food down.

"Hm.. Min.."

Jisung hummed softly as he turned
in the older's embrace and buried
his face in Minho's bare chest.

"I think we got everything there
for some pancakes with fruits,
how does that sound?"

"Like you're a good husband who will
bring me breakfast to have in bed?"

Even if the blonde still had his
eyes closed, Minho knew that there
was a sly smirk on his sleepy face.

"You're lucky you're so cute.
My pretty hubby."

The ravenette cooed and placed
a soft kiss on the younger's head
before he let go of him and wriggled
himself out of the thin blanket.

Jisung mumbled something to
himself as he rubbed his cheek on
his husband's pillow and only whined
unhappily when Minho carefully
wrapped the blanket around
the other.

The AC was on and he really
didn't want Jisung to get cold.

He was only wearing an
oversized shirt after all.

"Just a second, my love.
Coffee or juice?"

"Coffee please~"

In his company people sometimes
called him heartless when Minho
reminded them to do their work
properly or when he scolded
someone for being on their
phone during work hours but
being a CEO wasn't an easy job.

He was responsible for all the
employees and he could only
pay them for their job if they
actually did their job.

But when he was with his husband,
Minho was the sweetest and
most gentle human being ever.

And just as he poured the freshly
brewed decaf coffee in the cup filled
with ice cubes, he realized again
just how lucky he was.

His beautiful husband was
snoozing upstairs, their tiny kitten
safely growing in his tummy.

And he already couldn't wait to
see the younger's face when
he served the breakfast.

Three pretty perfect pancakes
were already sitting on a plate
with some chocolate sauce,
fresh mango and papaya.

But there was more to it,
just not at the first sight.

Breakfast is ready."

Minho cooed as he placed the tray
on his bedside table and handed
the iced coffee to his husband.

"Thank you so much, darling.
You're so sweet."

"Anything for my two favorite people.
Is the kitten awake?"

But Jisung shook his head softly
before he took a sip of his coffee,
his hand going up to cup the older's
cheek when Minho pouted.

Normally their son was awake in
the morning but since their normal
mornings were earlier than 11am,
he was probably already
sleeping again.

"I bet he'll wake up when we go
swimming later. He likes bathing."

The blonde smiled widely with
shining eyes when Minho handed
him the plate of pancakes but his
focus on the food was soon switched
to his husband when Minho tugged a
red plumeria blossom behind his ear.

"A beautiful flower for an
even prettier human. Smell it."

Jisung carefully took the white
blossom his husband had brought
too and held it close to his nose
to sniff on it, his smile widening.

"This is how vacation smells like."

He giggled cutely before he lifted
his shirt up and placed the blossom
on top of his little baby bump.

"And while our little kitten enjoys
the smell, I'll enjoy these yummy
pancakes my wonderful husband
prepared for me."

"Do that, my love.
Did you know that the plumeria
stands for a new beginning?
They symbolize beauty, charm and
grace but also new life and birth.
It's the perfect flower for my
two favorite people."

Minho smiled and placed a soft
kiss on his husband's cheek before
he snuggled close to his side.

"But you googled, right?"

"Of course, I don't know much
about flower meanings but they
looked so pretty. And the smell,
I love them. I had to show
them to you."

"Why are you so cute?
You're making me cry."

Jisung suddenly started to tear up,
his chubby cheeks stuffed with
pancakes but his bottom lip
wobbling when his husband cooed.

"Aww Sungie~
Don't cry, my love."

"Stupid hormones, my tears will
make the pancakes salty. Just
ignore me and eat your pancakes."

He sobbed softly, his nose already
red when he sniffled.

"I'm not going to ignore you, love.
I married you so I could kiss
your tears away, hm?"

And how could the blonde stay
sad when Minho sat up so he
could peck his husband's tears
away, making Jisung giggle
at the ticklish feeling?

"Eat up, my love.
The sea is waiting for us and
I can't wait to make love to you
in warm turquoise water."

"You know that there are millions
of living beings in said water
who could watch us?"

And the blonde could only laugh
at his husband's frowning face before
he fed him a piece of mango.


They're so 🥹🥹🥹

Anyway, any German readers here?

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