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Don't you ever tell yourself
that you're not enough
I am certain that you're truly fine
You are a miracle, miracle
You are Youtiful


It was the night of the first snow.

The third of December,
Changbin would probably never
forget that day ever again.

Not because he had gotten
his boyfriend the Christmas
cookies he had been dying to get,
the snowman shaped ones with
chocolate-cinnamon filling.

Not because of the snow or
unusual windy night either.


"Yes, princess?"

The ravenette looked down at the
now blue-haired boy in his arms,
frowning when Felix didn't take
his eyes off the TV as he cuddled
closer to his boyfriend.

"Can you believe that Akemi is
almost one year already?
I mean, in a few months
but still."

"Yeah, time flies fast.
But Minho and Jisung are
great parents, it's so good to
see them so happy."

And Changbin didn't notice how
Felix subconsciously placed
his hand on his tummy.

The chocolate-cinnamon cookies,
his very first pregnancy craving.

It's been not even 24 hours since
he had found out but now
everything finally made sense.

His sensitivity for certain scents,
his never-ending need to eat,
his morning sickness and
constant headaches.

He was really, finally having a baby.

"You know, I.. I was at the doctor's
this morning to get my headache
and nausea checked and.."

Felix slipped his hand in his hoodie
pocket to pull out a small piece of
paper and handed it to his boyfriend.

It was smaller than a postcard,
just black and white with some
data written in the left upper
corner but Changbin knew
too well what it was.

And he couldn't help but tear up
at the sight of the little gray bean
in the bigger black blob.

"Our baby.."

Already twelve weeks old."

Felix smiled widely with tears
glistening in his eyes as well,
his heart jumping in his chest
when he noticed how his
boyfriend couldn't take his
eyes off the sonogram.

"Three months, huh?"

"Yeah, my due date is the 5th of May.
Our spring baby."

The freckled boy giggled as he
snuggled closer to his boyfriend,
carefully taking the sonogram out
of his hands so he could place the
older's hands on his soft tummy.

He didn't have a bump yet but he
could definitely tell that his tummy
had gotten a little chubbier.

And he really couldn't wait for the
day the whole world could tell he was
expecting his beloved Binnie's baby.

Changbin was somewhat still at
loss of words and only leaned
forward to press the most gentle,
loving kiss on Felix's sweet lips
as he drew small circles on the
younger's tummy, his fingertips
tingling knowing he was so
close to their child.

"It's not even Christmas yet but
I already know that this is the
best gift of the year."

The older man smiled when they
had parted and lifted one hand
up to his boyfriend's face to cup
Felix's cheek, letting his thumb
wander over the rosy
freckled cheek.

And the freckled boy only smiled
back, his eyes shining with millions
of stars as he leaned into
the warm touch.

Changbin was right,
this was truly the best gift of the year.


Felix huffed as he turned around,
sleepily grabbing his fiancé's hand
and putting it on his cute baby bump.


"Could you please tell your son
to go to sleep too? It's like..
Very late, in the middle of
the night to be exact."

"I think our daughter just wants some
cuddles, isn't that so, sweet girl?"

But the freckled boy could only
whine when he felt a tiny foot
press against his rib.

23 of 24 hours a day he really
enjoyed his pregnancy, he loved
feeling his child move and
watching Changbin being the
most excited dad he could ever be.

He was doing so amazing,
as if he had years of training
and experience.

Felix truly couldn't wish for
a better, more supportive
significant other than his Binnie.

But that one hour, mostly around
midnight, their little one thought
it'd be fun to wake their mama
up by practicing the Superbowl
choreography in there or
something similar to that.

Oh, to have so much energy
at such an ungodly hour.

Felix couldn't relate.

But fortunately Changbin was
there to pull his loved one close
in his buff arms, to slip his hand
under the younger's shirt to caress
his cute tummy and to place a
gentle kiss on the freckled
beauty's forehead.

"You're really not going
to give up, huh?"

"No, never.
I'm actually worried that you're
still holding onto the absurd idea
that our baby is a boy."

"It's called mother's instinct, Binnie.
And no girl would kick up such a
storm in the middle of the night.
On a daily basis."

"My girl would.
You're forgetting this is a
50 percent Seo baby in there."

Changbin smiled when his
adorable boyfriend only giggled
and cuddled closer, the older's
heart jumping when he felt a
soft kick against his palm.

Who knows, maybe she was
just agreeing with her daddy?


Will we get a freckled baby boy or girl?

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Will we get a freckled
baby boy or girl?

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