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So I can melt into you
Hug my body
Even if it hurts, It’s okay
Among the cold and harsh
waves I need your heat
You are my volcano


"I can't do this! I- I can't, it..
It hurts, it hurts so much."

Jisung screamed and cried as
he squirmed in his husband's hold,
hoping to make the pain
go away like this.

"I'm sorry, Sungie.
You're doing so well, I believe in you.
If anyone can do this, it's you."

He honestly didn't know how
to help the brunette, this whole
situation was overwhelming him
too and it tore his heart apart
to see Jisung like this.

Never in his entire life Minho had
felt more helpless than right now.

"You're almost done,
the head is out already.
When the next contraction
starts I want you to give me
a big push. I'll help you get
the shoulders out. Just one
big push and you'll be done.
Your little one is almost here."

Jeongin encouraged the brunette
as he patted his knee, hoping to
get Jisung to focus on the midwife
instead of the burning pain
and exhaustion.

He could only imagine how tired
the male must be, they were close
to hitting the 13 hours of labor.

As a midwife he saw people being
in pain for such a long time almost
every day and still he felt pity
for his patients every time.

But he did this job because
although he was there at the
worst, he'd be there too when
the new parents would finally
hold their baby or babies
in their arms.

And every time he saw the pure
happiness and adoration on his
patient's face when their little
ones were finally there, he knew
why he loved his job so much.

"One big push, baby.
You can do this."

Minho squeezed his husband's
hand gently when Jisung started
whimpering again.

He didn't even have any more
tears left, his voice was hoarse
from screaming and it felt like
he'd get unconscious any minute
from the lack of energy.

"I've got you, Sungie. Almost done.
Think of our little kitten, hm?"

But the small brunette wasn't
even listening, he was too busy
focusing on his muscles contracting
as Jeongin held their baby's head
and helped Jisung get the
shoulders out.

Minho held his husband tightly
in his arms as the younger male
pushed with all his might, using
all his remaining strength to
get their little son out.

And then he was finally there.

After 13 hours of labor.

The tiny pink child immediately
started to cry when Jeongin lifted
him up to place him on his mommy's
chest and covered him with a towel.

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