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You know, whenever there's a chance
I will tell you that you're amazing
as you are
'Cause when you give me a glance
I am sure that I see the universe
in your eyes


It didn't even take twenty minutes
until the little baby was deep asleep,
not caring about the noises of passing
bikers and chatting people or the fact
that he couldn't look at his daddy.

And it was safe to say that Minho
felt so unbelievably proud as
he pushed the stroller.

All those months he had wondered
how'd it would be to actually do that,
how it'd be to live with a baby.

And he loved it, he loved it so much.

Of course it was exhausting,
of course he had his downs and
doubts too just like Jisung.

But he absolutely loved being a dad.

He loved waking up to the tiny
whimpering bundle that looked
so much like him, even if it was
at an ungodly hour, he loved
cuddling the little boy and
kissing his squishy cheeks.

Whenever Akemi looked at him
with those big sparkling eyes and
made grabby hands, Minho fell in
love with his tiny son all over again.

Yeah, he loved being a dad,
he loved it so much.

Jisung had been right,
he was more than ready to be
a father to their little kitten.

"Hey bub."

The ravenette smiled at his tiny
sleeping son as he took the soft cloth
off the hood of the stroller, making
sure nobody was being suspiciously
close to them.

But the little boy didn't even budge,
his eyes staying closed as he suckled
softly on his pacifier.

Minho knew that his husband
never agreed but he always thought
that Akemi looked a lot like his
mommy when he slept.

The way his chubby cheek squished
on the pillow was just too similar.

"I'll let you sleep some more, hm?
Daddy will get some gimbap and
ramen now and one day we'll
come back to this place and
I'll get you some too."

Despite being rich and able to afford
the most expensive, exquisite foods,
Minho would still never say
no to some simple ramen.

Of course he loved to take Jisung
out to eat high quality beef or the
sushi the brunette loved so much,
still the simple Korean dishes
reminded him of his childhood.

Getting gimbap on his way back
home from school, eating way too
much ramen during his college
years and taking Jisung out on their
very first date to the Han river.

And here he was now,
remembering the past while
his future slept so peacefully
beside him in the stroller.

Who'd have thought all those years
ago that one day Minho would return
with his tiny sleeping son?

"Hm bub?
I can't share my ramen with you."

The ravenette cooed when a
familiar whine reached his ear
and placed his bowl of ramen aside
for a moment to check up on Akemi.

"Are you hungry too?
I brought some milk for you."

The little boy whimpered as he
fluttered his beautiful eyes open,
his little chubby hand waving the
pacifier chain he was holding
onto tightly.

"But let daddy finish his ramen
first before it gets cold, okay kitten?
You can play some more with
your bumblebees, hm?"

Minho cooed as he nudged the
tiny chunky bumblebees on the
stroller mobile, making them
swing gently.

Of course Jisung had gotten
something matching with the
yellow butterflies above Akemi's
crib and the ravenette absolutely
adored the round yellow and black
insects just like his son.

The tiny boy gurgled softly as he
reached his small hand out to reach
for the biggest bumblebee,
tugging on it gently.

And because he knew how much
Jisung loved the bumblebees too,
Minho immediately pulled his
phone out to send a short video
of their little kitten to his husband.

'Lunch at our favorite place,
kitten is getting the hang of how
to catch the bumblebees.
Enjoy your chicken, love.'

Akemi was perfectly happy with
playing with his mobile while his
dad finished his lunch before he
pulled the bottle of milk
out of his bag.

"Still hungry, sweet bub?"

The ravenette cooed as he
carefully lifted his tiny son out
of the stroller after gently freeing
him from his pacifier, placing a soft
kiss on top of the baby's head.

And the little boy only looked at
his daddy with big sparkling eyes
and reached his tiny chubby hand
out to poke Minho's lips.

"Yeah, kitten.
It's time for your milk."

It didn't even need his daddy's
persuasion for the little boy to
latch onto the plastic teat of the
bottle and Minho couldn't help
but coo at his adorable son.

Akemi fitted so perfectly in his
arms and the way he always closed
his eyes as he suckled softly made
the ravenette's heart jump.

Yeah, moments like these
reminded him that he absolutely
loved being a dad.

He really couldn't imagine a life
without the tiny bundle
of joy anymore.


Only five more chapters left :(

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