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I'm a castaway, and men reap
what they sow
And I say what I know, to be true


"Are you really sure you want to go?"

Minho frowned as he watched
his husband pack some clothes.

"What about the flight,
have you asked Dr Byeon
if it's safe for you?"

"Yes Min, it's safe for me.
And I'm sure, this might be my last
overseas business trip so I'll go.
It's just Japan, I'm not flying
to Canada."

But that didn't ease the
ravenette's worries the slightest.

He didn't want to see his loved
one leave, he didn't want to let
him go for even a second.

Four whole days were way too long.

"Stop pouting, darling.
I'll be back in no time and I'll call
every night before I go to bed, hm?"

Jisung cupped his husband's face and
placed a soft kiss on the older's lips.


Minho whined as he snuggled his face
in the crook of his husband's neck,
his arms tightening around
Jisung's slim waist.

"How can I let you go now that
you're carrying our little kitten?"

"L-little kitten?"

"Mhm, our little kitten.
We already have three fur kids
and now they'll get a sibling, hm?
I don't have the 'best cat dad'-mug
for nothing."

"You're so weird."

Jisung giggled cutely and pressed
himself closer to Minho when
he hugged him.

"But you like it, don't you?"

"You being weird or the nickname?"


"You're probably right."

Another quick kiss was being
placed on the ravenette's lips
before Jisung returned back
to packing his bag.

Little kitten.

He liked it a lot, it was cute.

Maybe that'd help him warm up
to the small human growing under
his heart, a personal nickname
was way better than just calling
them always 'the baby.'

And again it made his heart jump
that Minho had even thought about
a cute nickname for their little one.

Another proof that he already
was a great dad.

"You don't know how lucky you are,
tiny kitten. You have the best daddy
in the world and I hope he can
compensate for your bad mommy.
I.. I'm trying, really. I'm giving my
best and I hope you can forgive
me if I'm not being enough."

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