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The brightness of the sun
Will give me just enough
To bury my love
In the Moondust


"What are you doing?"

Jisung questioned when his
husband handed him his headphones.

"It's tiny kitten and dad time,
you're not allowed to listen."

"Oh? Okay.."

It was useless to question Minho's
behavior sometimes so the blonde
put his headphones on and
connected them with his phone.

He was currently laying on their
bed with his shoulders and head
resting against his pillow, his
golden hair still tousled and
fluffy from the nap he had
just taken.

Ever since he was back home,
he had started feeling a lot better.

Maybe it was because he had a
husband who was an amazing cook
and could fulfill all the weird
cravings Jisung would get at the
most random hours, maybe it
was because home was where
his safe space was.

He didn't need to hide there,
if he wanted to run around in only
his underwear, he could do so.

Stone by Jaymes Young filled the. younger's ears and forced his eyes
to close as Minho made himself
comfortable beside his husband so
he could rest his head on Jisung's
chest and pull the baggy
white shirt up.

He still hadn't started to show
even though he had already entered
his 10th week of pregnancy but
Dr Byeon had told them not to
worry too much about it.

Every baby was different and so
was every body carrying and
growing them.

Jisung had a well-trained physique
and it was his first child, his body
just needed more time to adapt
to the little one.

As long as their little kitten was
healthy, everything was fine.

"Hey there, tiny kitten."

Minho smiled softly as he placed
his hand on his husband's tummy,
caressing the warm skin gently.

"Everything good in there?
I'm glad you and your mom are
back home, he made daddy worry
quite a lot. Are you enjoying the
foods I make for you? I hope so
because it breaks my heart to
make beef wellington for your
mommy just so he can eat it with
peanut butter, whipped cream
and cherry jam. But if that means
that you'll grow strong and healthy,
then that's completely fine for me.
So you better do that, hm?
My tiny kitten, I can't wait to
meet you. You're a little miracle,
you know?"

The ravenette sighed happily and
closed his eyes when he felt his
husband's hand running through
his black locks, his own hand
still drawing small circles on
Jisung's tummy.

He really couldn't wait to hold
his child in his arms, to rock their
little one to sleep and to go on walks
with a sleeping baby attached
to his front.

Maybe it was still a bit hard to
believe that they'd be parents in
a few months but on the other hand
Minho could picture them with
a baby so well.

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