« 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞 »

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Love at a temperature that can
melt when touched
Take me to you, way below to
the end of the ground
It’s okay if everything burns down
Even if I go back hundreds of times,
my choice is always you


"This is no fun, really.."

Jisung whimpered quietly as his
husband massaged his lower back.

"I haven't met anyone yet who
described giving birth as a fun
activity. But you're doing good,
more ice chips?"

"Yes, please."

And while the brunette was
busy fighting another contraction,
Jeongin carefully wiped his forehead
before he took the blue bowl to
get some more ice.

It was around 10 in the morning
and Jisung was more than glad that
they had an A/C in the hospital room.

Because it was already close
to 30°C outside.


"Yes, baby?"

"Did you.. Did you feed the kitties?"

"Of course, my love.
The kitties are fine."

Jisung sniffled softly and nodded,
reaching for Minho's hand to hold it.

He felt so uncomfortable.

The contractions that got more
and more intense were one thing
but he was also getting irritated
about all the sweat.

It was normal but it was
definitely uncomfortable.

"I'm so proud of you."

Minho smiled when his husband
slumped against his chest and
squeezed his hand gently as he
kissed his temple.

"He's taking too long.."


"No, our kitten.
It's been over ten hours since
the first contraction."

"That's not unusual, it's your
first child. First time births often
take longer, your body is doing
this whole process for the first time.
The next one will be easier."

Jeongin winked as he placed the
bowl with ice chips on the table
beside the hospital bed.

"How is it going?
Do you need anything else?
You need to drink something,
we don't want you to dehydrate."

The pink-haired boy handed
Jisung the bottle of water and
watched him take a few big gulps.

"Can I.. Can I take a shower?"

"Of course. Right now or do
you want to wait until the
next contraction is over?"

"Now. Min, can you help me?"

"Sure, love."

The couple slowly made their way
to the spacious bathroom and while
Minho helped his husband out of
his clothes and into the shower,
Jeongin used the chance to
change the sheets of the bed.

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