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Don't you ever tell yourself
that you're not enough
I am certain that you're truly fine
You are a miracle, miracle
You are Youtiful


"Look who's there, kitten.
Your mommy~"

Minho smiled widely as he
entered their bedroom with a tiny
squealing Akemi in his arms.

"And he's having such a good
time without us."

He chuckled when Jisung looked
at him with big doe eyes like a
deer caught in headlights.

"That's not true!
I missed you two!"

But the way the small brunette
was snuggled under the covers
with one leg peeking out, his hair
tousled and fluffy and his glasses
sitting a little crooked on the bridge
of his nose told the older male that
Jisung had probably just woken up.

And the fact that their cat's
were sleeping curled up at the
younger's feet only confirmed
Minho's assumption.

"Kitten! Come to mommy,
I missed my little boy."

The brunette yawned as he
made grabby hands at his son
and husband in need of cuddles.

And since Minho could never say
no to the love of his life, especially
not when Akemi had also recognized
his mommy and was now squirming
in his daddy's hold in excitement,
he immediately walked over and
sat down on the free side of the bed.

"Did you enjoy your bath
and lunch, love?"

Jisung nodded sleepily as he took
his tiny squirming son in his arms
and placed a peck on his head
before Minho leaned over to
kiss his husband gently.

"I'm glad.
Bub and I had a good time too."

"Yeah, I saw it. I told you the
bumblebees were the right choice."


The ravenette sighed happily
as he cuddled up to his Sungie,
resting his head against the
younger's shoulder so he could look
at their little son's adorable face.

Akemi was holding tightly onto
his mommy's shirt, suckling softly
on the fabric of it and soaking it
with his saliva but Jisung was
too tired to care.

"Did you feed him?"

"Yeah, he had a bottle around
an hour ago."

And still the brunette knew that
his little boy was currently looking
for a snack and not only trying how
his mommy's shirt tasted.

So he only sighed and peeled his
son's hands off the fabric so he
could lift his shirt up.

Yeah, bottle feeding had become
their new normal but still, despite
having a hard time with it the first
weeks, Jisung didn't want to give
up on breastfeeding simply because
he knew how important it was
for the mommy-kitten bond.

So whenever he felt like it was a
good time and when Akemi was up
to it too, the brunette gave it a try.

"Our little baby kitten."

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