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'Cause you are
More than beautiful,
one of a kind
You are
Just know I'm always by your side


"Here are the diapers, burp clothes,
a spare onesie, his pacifier, his
jaguar plushie, two bottles of milk
and here's a variety of baby food.
You can choose, I just packed what
I saw first. If you have any questions,
call us or text us, okay? We'll have our
phones right beside us all the time."

"Min, they'll be fine.
Our bub is unproblematic, isn't he?"

Jisung chuckled as he caressed his
sleeping baby's chubby cheek gently
but truth to be told, he was
nervous as hell.

It'd be the first time they would
actually give their child into
someone else's care for a few
hours and he was already missing
their kitten even though he was
still right beside him, slumbering
peacefully in his daddy's arms.

Of course he trusted Hyunjin and
Seungmin but it was just hard to
leave his little kitten for a while
without knowing how their
baby would take it.

What if he started crying the
moment his parents left and the
other couple won't be able
to calm him down at all?

"We'll definitely call you the moment
we get overwhelmed, we promise.
But I hope this little cutie will
have a fun time with his uncles."

Hyunjin cooed at Akemi when he
kicked his tiny feet in his sleep.

"I hope so too."

But Minho's voice was definitely
less enthusiastic than his friend's
as he carefully placed his small
son in Hyunjin's arms and placed
a soft kiss on the baby's forehead.

"Bye kitten, I'll miss you.
See you later, hm?"

He sighed, stroking the cute,
chubby cheek one last time.

A small hand grabbed his and
squeezed it gently, reminding him
that it was time to say goodbye.

Just a few hours, they'd be fine
and so would their son be.

"Bye bye, bub.
Behave, okay?"

Jisung chuckled before he kissed
his son's cheek as well and
turned around to leave.

He knew that if he didn't leave
instantly after saying goodbye,
he wouldn't be able to leave at all.

Who could blame him though?

Akemi had been with him practically
24/7 for over a year now apart from
the few times Minho had gone on
a walk with Akemi to give
Jisung a break.

"You'll be back faster than you think,
just enjoy your baby-free time, huh?"

But the couple could only
smile half-heartedly.

Being a full time parent wasn't
something you could turn off from
one moment to another and maybe,
just maybe, the two didn't even
want a break from their adorable,
squishy kitten.

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