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I’ll protect you
It’s okay to hurt
I’ll embrace the wounds you shed
To me, you’re already a sin


"Why the hell are you heating this
room so much? It's winter outside,
people run around in hoodies and
sweaters nowadays, do you
want them to die?"

Jisung scolded his friend
as he took his jacket off.

Changbin only shrugged as he
handed a sheet of paper over to
the blonde, ignoring his further
complaints about the room

"I prefer staying in just a t-shirt.
You know, people want to
see these babies."

The ravenette flexed his biceps
and winked at Jisung when
he only snorted.

"But I don't want people
to see this baby."

Was the youngest male's reply
as he patted his belly gently.

The baby bump wasn't really
noticeable under his hoodie but
in only a shirt it was obvious.

The tiny kitten had grown quite
a lot and now that Jisung was five
months along, it had gotten a
lot harder to hide his belly.

He was thankful that it was winter,
at least nobody questioned why he
was only wearing baggy clothes lately.

And he was glad that he had always
preferred a more comfortable
style, nobody got suspicious.

"But the door is locked, Ji.
And we already know about the
little one, you don't have to hide.
This room doesn't even
have windows."

"No chance, I don't want to
risk anything. I'll just roll my
sleeves up, baby will stay hidden."

"Whatever you say. But don't cook
this dumpling in there just
because you're overheating."

Chan chuckled as he handed the
strawberry latte to his friend and
motioned for him to check the
sheet in front of him.

"I fixed some of the lyrics but
it's a little tricky, the boys aren't
that great with English spelling."

"I'll have a look. But we need to
get this done today, I'm on vacation
for the next two weeks."

"Ah right, it's your anniversary.
Where are you going this year?"

"Thailand. Minho booked a villa
right at the coast half an hour
away from the next city.
We have the whole beach to
ourselves, the house is located
at a small bay. The pictures are
so beautiful, I'm really excited. Just
Minho and I and no reason to hide."

"Can you take us with you?"

Chan and Changbin pouted softly
and gave the youngest their best
puppy eyes but Jisung only giggled
and took a sip of his latte.

"Nope. This is a family vacation
and as far as I remember I only
married one man five years ago."

"You're so mean, leaving your
best friends in the freezing
Korea with all the work."

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