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You can burst into flames,
you can wound me next to you
If you like, I can be anything
Yeah you can hurt me, I don’t care
Yeah you can burn me
Unlike those who run away from you,
I’ll embrace you


"Mr Han-Lee~
May I kidnap you for a moment?"

Minho smiled softly as he knocked
on the door to their bedroom,
his smile only widening when his
husband replied with a sweet
'Sure, baby! Give me a minute,
I'll be there in a second.'

The ravenette had worked hard
on the perfect dishes for their
picnic and he was excited to feed
his beautiful husband before
sharing a literally sweet kiss.

"Okay darling, I'm done."

And when the door opened,
revealing Jisung in an ankle-long
white summer dress with pretty
red hibiscus flowers printed on it
and his husband's straw hat on,
Minho almost started to cry.

"You.. You're so beautiful, Sungie."

"Thank you, baby.
You look very pretty too,
now give me a kiss please."

The boy smiled and puckered
his lips cutely when Minho
cupped his chubby cheeks.

And who would the older male
be to say no to such a request?

He traced his thumbs gently over
his husband's smooth skin before
he leaned in to connect their lips,
a short grin escaping him when he
realized what Jisung had done.

"The cherry chapstick, hm?"

"Just like back then, old man."

"You're the one kissing an old
man here, hm? So careful with
your words, pretty boy."

Minho grinned at the love of his life
and nuzzled their noses together
before he placed another kiss
on those sweet cherry lips.

Alone the taste of the chapstick
brought back memories of their
very first kiss, years ago when
both boys were still in college
and only on their third date.

Jisung had been so shy and insecure
at first but when Minho had brought
him to his dorm room to say goodbye
after a wonderful date in the blonde's
favorite sushi place, the chubby
cheeked boy had gathered all
his courage to kiss the other.

His squishy cheeks had been
bright red and he had barely been
able to look at Minho afterwards.

But when the ravenette had cupped
his face carefully to lift his head, he
had simply connected their lips
again without giving Jisung the
chance to regret anything.

"I love you so much, Min."

"And I love you even more, Sungie.
You and our sweet little kitten.
Now let's go, I prepared
something for us."

"Oh? What is it?"

"It's a surprise, my love."

Minho intertwined their hands
and winked at his husband before
he led him downstairs and outside.

The basket with the foods he had
prepared was already standing on
the doorstep and Jisung giggled cutely
when the other let go of his hand for
a moment to get their lunch.

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