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And now you got me feeling
so damn low
I'm letting go
'Cause I can't take this anymore
Since you broke my heart in two
And now I know
That you don't love me anymore
So take my broken heart with you


"Kitten, it's three in the morning.
If you're hungry, then drink but if
you're not then why are you crying?
Your diaper is clean, bub.
You'll wake up your daddy
if you keep throwing a fit, hm?"

Jisung sighed as he held his crying
son in one arm while he pulled
his shirt back down since Akemi
apparently didn't want any milk.

"What do you want?
I don't know how to help,
I can't understand you."

Maybe it was because it was
already the fourth time the brunette
had to leave his bed that night to
feed his child just to persuade
Akemi for a minimum of twenty
minutes that he should
actually drink something.

And Jisung was tired, every fiber
of his body was exhausted.

So it was hard for him to
remain calm and patient.

"Kitten, please. Mommy is sleepy
too, I want to go back to bed.
Tell me what's wrong, hm?"

He tried to soothe the tiny boy
by rocking him gently as he stood
up so he could walk a bit with
his son in his arms.

But Akemi just wouldn't calm down.

He didn't even allow his mommy
to hug him, instead he kept on
squirming and wriggling in his
hold as he cried and screamed
for a reason unknown to Jisung.

And the poor brunette could
already feel how the overwhelm
slowly took over his mind as the
first tears gathered in his tired eyes.

"Kitten, stop crying, hm?
I.. I don't know what you want."

Jisung whispered with a shaking
voice, trying his best to
suppress his tears.

But it was no use.

When Akemi turned his head
away when his mommy tried to
give him a kiss on the head, the
brunette couldn't help but
start crying too.

Because no, nobody had prepared
him for what to do when you
couldn't comfort your own child.

Nobody had told him beforehand
how to handle a baby that had
a hard time drinking.

It was his first child,
how could he know?

So he did what he was very good at.

He blamed himself.


A very sleepy Minho trotted in
the living room, a just as tired
Dori following him closely.

But when he noticed his husband's
soft cries, hardly audible next to
a wailing Akemi, he immediately
rushed over to the brunette.

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