« 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞 »

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Then that little star was surely
Going to become the biggest thing
Making a fantasy, family
Beautiful galaxy, galaxy


"Good morning, Mr Kang.
Hello Mina, it's nice to see you again."

Minho smiled and waved at the
little girl in his employee's arms,
his heart fluttering when she only
giggled shyly and hid her face
in her father's neck.

"Enjoy the day, there are some
freshly baked muffins that just
arrived. Please help yourself."

Mr Kang nodded and bowed
before he returned to his coworkers.

It hadn't even been an hour
since Minho had officially
welcomed everyone to the
'Bring-your-kid-to-work' day
but the entrance hall of the
building was already crowded
with people, small kids in their
arms or running around with
the car balloons Minho
had prepared.

And still he was waiting for a
very special guest, someone
who hadn't had the opportunity
to celebrate this day before.

"Hey Minho! I think today will
be a success. It's so cute how
excited all the kids are, what
else have you planned?"

"I might have rented an inflatable
castle but everything else stays
a secret for now."

The ravenette chuckled at his
assistant's big eyes and handed
Hyunjin a cup of coffee.

"You're amazing."

"I know."

"I take it back."

"You can't, I already remember
it clearly, Hyunjinnie~"

But when the younger male
was about to reply something,
Minho excused himself when
his eyes fell on a certain person
at the entrance.

Despite the black snapback, the
black face mask and the sunglasses
the ravenette immediately recognized
his husband and the tiny bundle in
the baby carrier, snuggled close
to Jisung's chest.

Akemi had the hood of his onesie
pulled over his head to hide his
face from any curious eyes and
behaved very well so far.

He had fallen asleep on the ride
to the company and had barely
protested when his mommy had
secured him in the baby carrier.

As long as he was close to his
mommy and had his pacifier,
everything was okay in his
little world.

"Hey pretty."

Minho smiled widely as he led
Jisung to a more quiet area,
away from all the people so he
could carefully pull his face
mask down and place a soft
kiss on his husband's lips.

"And hi kitten."

He cooed and pecked their
son's little head gently.

"He's been sleeping ever since I
left the car, I'm surprised that the
noises of all the people with their
kids don't bother him the slightest."

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