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Yeah, I'm living far away,
On the face of the moon
I've buried my love
To give the world to you


"Mr Han-Lee, you were amazing!
I wish you could model for us at
every fashion show, our clothes
get a lot more value once they
embrace your awesome body."

A tall man with long black hair
praised the blonde, making Jisung
smile and bow politely.

He was used to getting compliments,
he was pretty good at his job after all.

But he was in the business long
enough to know that sometimes
such compliments were just
flirts hidden under a coat
of pretended politeness.

Those subliminal comments
on his body, he hated it.

It didn't give him confidence,
it just made him feel disgusting.

"Thank you so much. I'm very glad
to be here today, it was a pleasure."

Jisung quickly stepped aside
and forced a polite smile when
a hand suddenly touched his
very lower back.

"And the makeup artists did an
amazing job too. The eyeshadow
is pretty, if your eyes weren't this
beautiful and sparkly, I would
pay more attention to it."

Yeah, nothing ever changes.

When a waiter arrived with a tray
of champagne glasses, the blonde
took that as a cue to excuse himself
to the bathroom.

It was time for his pill and Jisung
suddenly felt unbelievably tired.

He wanted to shower so badly,
snuggle under his covers and
call his husband.

It's been not even 24 hours yet
he missed Minho so much already.

Maybe the pregnancy made him
much more emotional too, at least
it was a plausible explanation why
he was currently curled up on a
toilet seat crying his heart out.

He carefully dabbed his handkerchief
under his eyes so he wouldn't ruin his
makeup but he already knew that
it was probably too late.

His swollen eyes would give
it all away anyway.

"Sungie? Baby, are you in bed
already? I thought you're still-"


Jisung sniffled softly as he hugged
his knees closer to his chest, his
eyes getting glossy again.

"Love, what's wrong? Are you
in pain? Did someone hurt you?
I-is our little kitten alright?"

"I.. I want to go home, I miss you.."

"Sungie love. Can you take a
deep breath for me? Breathe in..
..one, two, three.. And out. That's
right, you're doing good, baby."

"Minmin.. I really want to go home.."

"Then talk to your manager,
it's your decision if you want to
be there or not. I'll pick you up from
the airport, love. I just want you to
feel comfortable, you shouldn't get
stressed and overwhelmed. Can you
go look for your manager for
me now, love?"


The small blonde wiped his tears
and stood up just to take a
deep breath again.

"I miss you so much."

"I miss you so much too, Sungie.
It's lonely in our bed without
you in my arms."

It was weird, extremely weird.

Since both had been very busy with
their jobs basically all their life, they
had often spent weeks apart already.

But now that the little kitten
had joined them, every minute
away from his husband felt like
his heart was getting ripped
apart for Jisung.

And this call didn't help Minho
stop worrying at all.

He hadn't been happy about the
blonde leaving in the first place,
not when his body and mind were
having such a hard time adjusting
to the pregnancy.

They've been through quite a
lot together in all those years and
Minho's concern was absolutely valid.

He just wanted his husband and
their baby safe in his arms.

When Jisung arrived back in Korea,
not only Minho was waiting for
him but some important person
from the younger's company too.

He didn't look very happy,
he was cursing on his phone
until his eyes fell on Jisung
and his manager.

It was obvious what was
about to happen.

And Minho would never ever allow
anyone to yell at his beloved husband,
especially not when the love of his life
looked like he was about to faint.

Even if he had his favorite black
Supreme hat on, a hood over it and
a black face mask on, he knew his
husband well enough to see that
he wasn't doing good at all.

"Mr Han-Lee! The boss is really-"

"Could you kindly shut your mouth
for a moment, I'd like to take my
husband home because he's not
feeling well. He'll take a day off
tomorrow, thank you for
your understanding."

Minho took the bag from Jisung's
manager and wrapped his arm
around the younger's waist
to support him.

"Home or to the doctor's?"

"Home please, I just need some
sleep and your cuddles, lots of them."

"Okay, my love.
The fur babies missed your cuddles
too. I'm glad you're home, Sungie."

But the blonde only hummed
in agreement, too focused on his
blurring vision and the feeling of
dizziness spreading through his body.

It had started in the airplane already
but he had ignored it with the excuse
that he was probably just exhausted.

He had barely slept the past night
and as expected his morning sickness
had pulled him out of the bed
too early for his liking.

Yeah, it was the right decision to
fly back home earlier than planned,
some snuggles should make him
feel better soon.

Maybe it was just because their
little kitten was a daddy's kid after all.

"Let's go home my love,
it's time for you to rest."


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