« 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞 »

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My falling days were sorrow
But after you appeared my lifted
mouth corners won’t come down
Why why why
Don’t wanna go back back back
To you, who shines the brightest
among others I’ll give you everything


Of course Changbin had accepted
the offer to meet up in the Han-Lee
apartment for some coffee and cake.

And Jisung couldn't help but feel
nervous because the thought that
he might be doing the wrong thing
right now just didn't leave his head.

This wasn't his business,
why hadn't he just said no?

Right, because Felix was his friend
too and he really wanted to help.

The freckled boy had been close to
tears, how could you say no to that?

"Hey Bin, come in!
We're alone, Min is at work for
at least another three hours.
It's just us and the kitties."

"Sounds good, I don't want to
steal your time with your husband.
But don't mind asking me.. Is there
a reason you wanted to meet up?
Not that I'm complaining,
it was just pretty sudden."

And when Jisung only sighed, Changbin knew that there
was more behind this.

"Let's sit down first.
Coffee? Tea? Juice?"

"Coffee please. If that's okay for you,
I know you can't drink any."

"It's okay, I can drink decaf coffee.
Although I'm craving some banana
juice, this little one surely has
their favorites."

Changbin nodded as he watched his
friend waddle to the large kitchen but
once he realized what was happening,
he rushed after the blonde.

"Ji, let me do it. It's okay, please sit
down. I know how your coffee
machine works and I guess the
banana juice is in the fridge?"

"Y-yeah but you don't have to-"

"No, I have to. You need to rest,
else I'll tell Minho."

And he only chuckled when
Jisung glared at him.


Once the two had settled on the black
leather couch, their drinks in their
hands and a bowl of cookies on the
coffee table, the blonde sighed softly.

"So uhm.. Honestly Felix asked
me if I could talk to you.

I'm telling you this because you're
my friend and I don't want to get
dragged into this just because
I'm trying to help you two.
I think you know that Lix wants
children, he had always wanted
kids but I guess me getting pregnant
triggered something in him.

He told me that he always wanted
to have a baby before turning thirty.
But he said you're avoiding this
topic completely?"

Jisung frowned when Changbin
sighed, visibly upset as he stared
into the mug of coffee.

"Are you serious?
Is this really why you
called me here?"

𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭 | 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now