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I know that feeling too,
I've been inside the dark
I've never been so empty, hopeless
But no, it isn't true
'Cause know that all the stars
are by your side


"I think it's done.
It smells good, hm?
It's your grandma's recipe,
she makes amazing miyeok guk,
kitten. And I really hope your
mommy will like it. But because
I know him so well, I already
ordered a box of fried chicken
that should be here in two hours
so he can eat it after taking a bath."

Minho chuckled when tiny
Akemi only yawned before he
snuggled his face back in his
daddy's chest, feeling quite
comfortable being so close
to his father.

The baby carrier was for sure one
of the best investments so far because
as long as the little boy was close to
one of his parents, he'd be quiet and
happy no matter where he was and
what his parents were doing.

And Minho was living the greatest
dad life, humming a soft tune as he
swung his body gently to rock his son
and stirred the seaweed soup gently.

"Today you'll have to spend a
good day with daddy because your
amazing mommy deserves a break.
So please cooperate with me, hm?"

A soft whine escaped the tiny boy
when Minho pecked his head before
he turned the stove off and placed
the lid on the pot.

"I hope that was a yes."

The ravenette chuckled, his hand
instinctively going to cup his son's
little head when Akemi tugged on
his daddy's shirt with his
tiny chubby hands.

"Should we go wake him up? Hm?"

It's been two weeks since their
little boy came into the world and
slowly but surely the little family
got a hang of how it worked
to live with a baby.

Jeongin's tips had proven to be
lifesavers too, with the help of the
midwife and the new grandparents
life was getting a little easier and
less chaotic day by day.

"Sungie love.
Time to finish your nap~"

Minho cooed when the lump
under the blanket only whined,
a hand appearing from under it
to make a shooing gesture.

"Go away, Anna."

"Well, sorry to disappoint you but
his name is Akemi and he wants
a kiss from his mommy."

The tiny boy kicked his legs in
excitement and squealed when
his daddy picked him out of the
baby carrier just so he could lay
him beside Jisung on the bed.

"Hi kitten."

The brunette chuckled as he took
his son's tiny hand in his, allowing
Akemi to hold onto his index finger.

"Are you hungry, hm?
Is that why your daddy woke me up?"

"Nope, bub already had his milk.
But you should get up because
there's a warm bubble bath waiting
for you and I made some miyeok
guk for later. And some fried
chicken will be delivered at
1:30pm just for you, my love.
And while you enjoy your bath
and foods, bub and I will go on
a walk at the Han river and have
some ramen and gimbap there.
Well, he'll probably have milk.
He's extremely picky."

Minho giggled and leaned over
his husband to peck the younger's
nose when Jisung peeked out
of his blanket cocoon.

"I.. Are you sure? Shouldn't I-"

"No, my love. The only thing you
should do is enjoy your little break.
Kitten and I will be fine. Kitten
and dad time, remember?"

And as if the tiny boy could
understand what his daddy had
just said, he squealed in agreement
as he tugged on his mommy's finger.

"Alright. Say bye to mommy,
Akemi. Bye bye."

Minho picked Akemi back up in
his arms and took his son's tiny
hand to wave it gently, allowing
Jisung to give their baby a
goodbye kiss on the head.

"Bye, kitten. Bye, Min."

Their little boy gurgled softly
and grabbed his mommy's shirt
when his dad leaned down to give
his husband a goodbye kiss.

"No bub, mommy will stay here.
He deserves some rest, you stayed
with him nonstop for forty weeks
and he really deserves a break
from carrying you and bringing
you into the world, hm?"

Akemi whined when Minho peeled
his tiny fingers from Jisung's shirt
and helplessly looked at his mommy
when his dad carried him away.

"Bye love, don't forget about
the fried chicken."

The ravenette winked and blew a
kiss to his husband before he left
with his tiny humming kitten
in his arms.

So far they hadn't been out that
much with their little boy, on the
few little walks around the apartment
building they hadn't even used the
stroller so Minho was honestly a
little excited to finally get the
chance to use it.

Akemi whined softly when his
daddy laid him carefully in the
stroller and covered him with a
thin blanket before he gave his son
the small orange lion pacifier to
keep him happy.

"Your diaper is clean, I packed
some warm milk in a thermos
bottle, spare diapers and another
burp cloth just in case, I have my
wallet, face mask, sunglasses and
cap. I think we're good to go, hm?
Let's go on a little adventure, kitten."

And the tiny boy only stared at his
daddy with big sparkling eyes when
Minho booped his tiny button nose.

In times like these the ravenette
realized again how annoying it
was to be quite popular.

Because before they left the building,
he had to check again if the burp
cloth he had hung over the hood of
the stroller was covering Akemi well.

It was a safety measure to keep their
son's privacy and identity protected
and still Minho couldn't help but pout.

He'd have loved to watch his little
son fall asleep to the gentle rocking
of the stroller and he also hated
that Akemi wasn't even able to
see anything of the outside world
despite being actually somewhere
else than the apartment.

The ravenette put his mask,
sunglasses and cap on as well
before he pressed the button to
open the door automatically
and carefully pushed the
stroller outside.

For once he was glad that it was
actually cloudy, it was July after
all and the heat of the sun could
sometimes be unbearable.

He really didn't want Akemi to
overheat under his blanket.

"Let's go, bub.
It's been ages since I had some
ramen at the Han river."


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