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In my own head I'm a prisoner
And you're not much of a listener



Akemi mumbled quietly to himself
as he stared at his hand in pure
fascination that was resting in
his uncle's tummy.

Felix had taken the baby's hand to
give the tiny boy the opportunity to
feel his soon-to-be friend kick like
the little dance star she was.

“Yeah kitten, you were the
exact same, hm?”

And the small boy only squealed
cutely when his mommy placed a
soft kiss on his son's chubby cheek.

It was their official mommy's night
and Jisung was still surprised how
chill it was even with two kids.

Well, one and a half, Felix's little
nugget couldn't be considered as
a complete kid yet since she
still wasn't born yet.

But on the other hand she was
the reason they'd have to stop
the movie to have restroom
breaks every ten minutes.

And Felix had gotten so
unbelievably lazy now that
he was due any day now.

He couldn't really explain how
happy he was to just sit on a comfy
couch with some snacks, his best
friend and tiny Akemi beside him.

Because Jisung understood how
he was feeling and tiny Akemi
was there to remind him that his
pains would be over soon and he'd
finally hold his baby girl in his arms.

But besides that it was just like
their movie nights back in college.

The same sweets, the same animes,
the same friendship.

“She's still so active, Akemi barely
moved the last days before his birth.
I guess it was because he had already
dropped a bit and it was also a
little too cramped in there.
No space to kick mommy, huh?”

Jisung smiled at his son who
had curled up in his embrace,
his hands now back on his mommy's
hoodie strings he was suckling on.

“Maybe it's because she's small.
Got it from her daddy.”

The freckled boy laughed but
winced when he felt another
kick against his ribs.

At least she was in the right
position and not turning around
as much anymore.

“Be glad Changbin isn't
here right now.”

“Binnie loves me and I'm carrying his
kid, he wouldn't do anything to me.“

Felix snorted and pulled his hoodie
back down over his baby bump,
smoothing the fabric gently.

Their ‘boys’ had gone out to get
some barbecue together and while
it had taken quite some persuasion
from the freckled boy to leave his
boyfriend alone with Jisung, Felix
had promised to call the moment he
had the feeling something was off.

And Jisung had of course
guaranteed Changbin and his
husband as well that he'd text
or call if he thought Felix was
behaving a little weird.

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