« 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 »

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If you like, I can be anything
Yeah you can hurt me, I don’t care
Yeah you can burn me
Unlike those who run away from you,
I’ll embrace you


"Oh my gosh.."


Jisung frowned when his
husband stopped rubbing his
tummy and stared at the younger
male with wide eyes instead.

"His due date is 15th of June, right?"


"That means he's actually
your birthday gift. You know..

The result of my birthday
gift for you."

Minho smirked as he wriggled
his eyebrows, laughing when his
husband smacked his shoulder.

"And you just realized that now?
I thought I married a smart man.."

"Hey! Sometimes it takes a while.
When I think about our son, the
first thing is not how he was
probably made on your birthday."

But Jisung only chuckled as he
ran his fingers through the other's Black hair and leaned forward
to kiss his forehead.

It was a few minutes past 10pm
and the brunette was more than
tired after he had spent the whole
day sorting clothes and all kinds
of stuff for the baby on the
shelves in the nursery.

His back was aching just like his feet,
telling him that his body was slowly
not made for physical work anymore
now that he was eight months along.

Everything was exhausting
for him, he just wanted to
sleep most of the day.

Which is why he hadn't complained
when Minho asked him if he could
put some lotion on his tummy tonight.

So here they were, a very sleepy
Jisung sitting on the edge of the
mattress with his baggy white
shirt lifted up, his husband
kneeling in front of him so he
could rub the lotion gently on
the younger's baby bump.

"But your skin is adjusting so well,
you don't have a single stretch mark.
Just a cute round tummy."

Minho chuckled and placed a long
kiss right above the other's navel.

Their tiny kitten was already
sleeping, only shifting slightly at
his daddy's touch and Jisung just
cooed when his husband sighed
and nuzzled his face in the
brunette's chest, his arms
hugging him gently.

"I love you, Sungie.
Do you know that you're so so cute?"

"I'm fat, so so fat.
Everything about me is swollen,
don't call me cute please."

"I will call you cute because you
are, pregnancy made you so much
more adorable. It's normal that you
gain weight, you're carrying and
growing a baby after all. You look
healthy, my love. And I love that just
how I love your cute squishy cheeks."

Minho smiled when he looked up and
cupped the other's cheeks gently.

And when a peachy blush spread
over Jisung's cheeks, the ravenette
leaned in to connect their lips
into a gentle kiss.

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