Chapter 2

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When Harry woke up, he saw outside his room's window to see that the sun hasn't fully rised yet.

He fetched his phone from the nightstand to check what the time was


He could hear some shuffling sounds from the kitchen and got up from his bed and headed towards the kitchen.

When he entered the kitchen he saw Niall sitting on the counter using his phone while munching some crisps.

"When did you wake up?"

Niall jumped a little at the sudden sound and looked at Harry who was half naked, making a coffee for himself.

"Just a couple of minutes ago. Had a good sleep?" Niall said trying to make a small talk.

"Yeah,the best sleep actually." They both chuckled.

"Wanna go for a walk?" Harry asked.

"Yeah let's go."

Both of them got ready and headed out for a walk. They went to the park near their apartment and had a walk over their.

They saw a few old couples of over their and Niall cracked a weird joke about a couple and they both started laughing.

They walked,played in the slides and swings and enjoyed themselves, laughing at each other.

The headed back home an hour later and one by one had a shower.


"Let's go to a club tonight." Niall suddenly said. They were in the living room with harry sitting on the couch and Niall laying with his head on Harry's lap.

Harry didn't respond so Niall continued "Mate come on it's gonna be really fun,we both will enjoy alot."

Harry sighed but nodded. Niall grinned widely and fetched the TV remote from the table and started watching a random program.

Harry wasn't really in a mood of clubbing but what was the point of coming back a week early if you couldn't have fun.

"You could find some dick to suck on to tonight." Niall said.

"Shut up Niall." Harry grumbled. Harry was openly gay and Niall knew that because he was the one who helped Harry come out to his family.

"Come on dude, you are all this cranky lately cuz you haven't been laid in a while."

And that was true. It's been a while since harry has been laid and he was looking forward to do something fun too.

"Oh my God,don't talk about that."

"Tell me when was the last time you got laid."

"My sex life is none of your business Niall." Harry huffed.

"It is my business if you keep on behaving like that."

"Behaving like what?"

"Some horny teenager trying to get hot guy's attention but failing."

"Oh shut up." Harry said annoyingly and Niall started laughing loudly at his friend's annoyed face.

"So are you up with going out tonight?" Niall asked after a while, his eyes still trained on the television.

"Yeah sure" Harry replied. "Where are we going anyway?"

"There's an amazing club a couple of minutes away. I go there alot and it's really cool." Niall replied.

"Oh is it the one you go every weekend?"

"Yeah. I'm even friends with the bartenders over there." Niall said proudly.

"Yeah of course you are." Harry said sarcastically. "How's Barbara?" Harry asked. Barbara is Niall's girlfriend and even one of Harry's best friend.

"She's fine, spoke to her yesterday."

"When is she coming back?"

"In three days I guess."

"Alright. What do you wanna eat for lunch?"

"Can we get Nandos?"

"Alright order the same thing for me you are ordering for yourself."

"Okay cool."

"Thanks mate. I'm going yo my room, calk me when the food arrives" Harry said getting up from the couch and heading towards his room.

"Okay" He heard Niall yell from the living room.

As he entered his bedroom he removed his laptop from charging, sat on his bed and turned on the laptop.

He opened Facebook and was scrolling through it for a while. After 30 minutes Niall entered his room without knocking which made Harry jump slightly but he didn't complain because Niall was always like this.

"Food's still not here." Niall said lying on Harry's bed and peeking to his laptop to see what Harry was doing.

"Whats taking it so much time?" He asked.

"I don't know." Niall whined. "I'm hungry."

"Of course you are." Harry chuckled.

They had a small talk and ten minutes later their food arrived. They ate their food and after that Barabara face-timed them.

They spoke for a while giggling and joking alot. After a while Niall headed towards his room but before going he reminded Harry about their night.

Harry dismissed him and sighed.

Tonight's gonna be long.


What do you guys think??
This is my first time writing so if there are any grammatical mistakes please bear with me.
If you guys have any ideas let me know, it'll help me improve.
Don't forget to vote and comment<33


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