Chapter 29

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Oh well I did......

Double update ✨️

~~Sexual content~~


Harry moans loudly as Louis sucks harshly on his neck.

They both were lying on Harry's bed with nothing but their boxers on.

"Louis- ohh." Harry moans as Louis starts sucking on his collar bone.

Louis goes back to kissing Harry on the lips as he tugs on Harry's boxers. He pulls back and sits up, quickly removing Harry's boxers and his too.

"D'you have lube and condom?" Louis pants as he looks at Harry.

"Yeah." Harry breathes out as he turns and opens the first desk of his nightstand and takes out a small bottle of lube and a packet of condom. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" He asks Louis.

"Yes I am." Louis says as he takes the lube and condom from Harry's hand.

Louis leans forward and starts kissing Harry softly as he lubes three of his fingers.

"Spread your legs a little love." Louis whispers as he continues to kiss Harry. Harry obliges and spreads his legs.

Louis runs his finger around Harry's rim and pushes one finger in. Harry gasps as he feels Louis' finger inside of him.

Louis thrusts his finger in and out a few times before slipping a second finger in. He scissors him open as he continues kissing Harry's jaw.

He slips a third finger in as Harry moans.

"L-lou." Harry gasps as Louis opens him up. "I n-need you oh! Please."

The sound of Harry begging him was so sinful that it made Louis' cock twitch.

Louis pulls his fingers out and wipes them on the sheets. Harry whines at the emptiness.

"Patience love." Louis chuckles as Harry whines.

Louis puts the condom on and lubes up his dick with a generous amount of lube. He positions himself in front of Harry and looks at him.

"Ready?" He pants and Harry nods eagerly.

Louis takes a hold of Harry's love handles as he slowly pushes his tip in.

Harry moans loudly as he feels himself stretch with Louis' thick length.

Louis slowly pushes himself in. When he is completely in he looks at Harry for any sign of discomfort.

"Move." Harry pants.

Louis slowly starts thrusting his hips forward, slowly fucking Harry. He thrusts his cock in and out as Harry moans lowly.

"Fuck, you're so tight." Louis groans as he feels his cock around Harry's tight walls.

Louis pulls out almost completely and then slams his cock in which makes Harry moan loudly.

Louis thrusts his hips forward and starts fucking into him faster.

Harry screams in pleasure as Louis hits his prostate. Louis keeps the same angle and hits his prostate again and again.

"Right there Louis! Oh harder, harder!" Harry pants as Louis continues to hit his prostate. "Faster!"

"You're so big." Harry cries out as Louis thrusts into him. "Feels so good." He moans out loudly.

"Fuck Harry." Louis groans as he feels himself come close to his climax.

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