Chapter 10

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The next day, Harry woke up with a throbbing pain in his head. He groaned and opened his eyes. He looked at the unfamiliar bedroom and recalled all the events of last night.

He looked to his side to find Alex in deep sleep.

He got out of bed and gathered all his clothes and got dressed quickly. Alex squirmed a little and looked at Harry with his eyes barely open.

"You goin'?" He asked in a raspy voice.

"Yeah." Harry replied as buttoned the belt of his jeans. He took out his phone from the pocket to check time. It was 11 in the morning and Harry was still very tired but he wanted to leave because he didn't want to do anything more with Alex.

No doubt Alex was a good guy and a nice fuck but Harry couldn't think about him the way he did for Louis.

Oh God Louis.

Harry remembered the last night events of Louis and that girl which made his heart fell into his stomach.

Last night he was too drunk to be in his senses, but now as he was fully conscious he realized how much it hurted seeing Louis with another girl.

Harry got out of his thoughts when Alex suddenly spoke up.

"You need a lift?" Alex asked, propping himself up and sitting on the bed.

"No thanks, I'll walk." Harry stated as he made his way towards the bedroom door.

"Hope to see you again." Alex smiled at him. Harry just smiled in response and left his house.

Harry's head was still paining when he was walking towards his house. He had many thoughts running in his head about last night.

He was too caught up thinking that he didn't notice when he bumped a guy and dropped his coffee.

"Oh shit I'm so sorry-" Harry started rambling but stopped when he saw the person in front of him.

He saw those familiar ocean blue eyes looking at him, but they weren't as bright as the looked. They looked dull and under the man's eyes there were dark eye bags. It took seconds for Harry to realize that the person in front of him was Louis.

Louis huffed annoyingly when Harry dropped his coffee, and was staring at him intently.

"I'm really sorry Louis, I didn't see you coming." Harry apologized, feeling guilty of what he did.

Louis sighed. "It's fine." He said in a low voice.

"Are you okay?" Harry couldn't resist asking him.

"Yeah, just tired." Louis said. "I thought to get a coffee to feel fresh but...." He said looking down at the coffee.

Harry felt very guilty for what he did and couldn't stop apologising.

"I'm really sorry Louis, I swear I didn't mean to. I'll buy you another coffee if you want but I'm very sorry it accidentally happened I'm sor-" Harry stopped rambling when Louis put his index finger on Harry's plump lips.

"Shh it's okay." Louis smiled. "You goin' home?"

"Yeah I- uh." Harry stuttered not knowing what to say.

"I saw you going with that bloke yesterday." Louis chuckled. "Good night?"

"Yeah it was good." Harry laughed. "Was that girl your girlfriend?" Harry asked curiously.

"No, she was my ex." Louis stated flatly.

"Oh." Harry said. "You look tired." Harry said because he didn't want to stop talking to him.

"Yeah didn't sleep well, Zayn and Liam were very loud last night." He laughed.

"No way!" Harry exclaimed happily for Zayn.

"Yeah." Louis laughed.

"Alright I'll get going then, see you later." Harry managed to say as he was getting tired.

"See you." Louis replied and they both parted ways.

When Harry reached home, the living room was empty which meant Niall was still asleep. Harry saw a pair of different shoes in the hallway and figured Barbara was their in his room too.

Harry went straight to his bedroom, he took a shower and went straight to bed.


"Where the fuck did you go last night?" Harry heard Niall's voice as he groaned and turned to face Niall. He opened his eyes to see Niall standing in front of his bed with his arm crossed in front of his chest.

"I texted you." Harry mumbled sleepily.

"But you didn't tell me where exactly you were." Niall said sternly. Harry groaned again and sat up straight in his bed glaring at Niall. He hated when Niall acted like he was Harry's parent. For fucks sake he was 19.

"I went home with a..." Harry trailed thinking what to say.

"Stranger." Niall completed for him and looked at him seriously. "Why the fuck don't you get a boyfriend to fuck instead of a stranger! You know the people out there are not safe! What if someone kidnapped you or what if they were rapists or something!" Niall exclaimed.

"You don't say anything when I have one night stands with anyone from the campus! Then what's the problem now!" Harry retorted. Niall sighed as he sat at the edge of Harry's bed.

"We know those people, they are not strangers to us and if something happens, we'll be around so it's safe." Niall said calmly. "I just wanted to say atleast know the guy a little before you guys fuck."

"Okay." Harry said quietly. Harry knew Niall cared for him, that's why he didn't argue any further.

"So what happened with Louis yesterday?" Niall asked trying to change the topic. "I saw him making out with a girl yesterday, I didn't know he had a girlfriend."

"She was his ex." Harry said silently, remembering the events of last night.

"Wait, how'd you know?" Niall asked curiously.

"Oh I met him when I was coming back home." Harry said.

"Okay." Niall said. "Now get your ass up and cook for me, I'm hungry."

"Oh so that's what yoir waking me up for." Harry said sarcastically.

"Yeah, need to eat to live." Niall said. "Now get up."

"Is Barbara here?" Harry asks getting up from his bed.

"No she left."

"Oh okay."


I don't like this chapter much lol.
Anyways what do you guys think??
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Hope y'all enjoyed!!


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