Chapter 39

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It's been an entire week since the incident and Harry hadn't said anything about it to Louis yet.

Hell he didn't even see him.

They texted a few times but everytime Louis asked to meet up Harry would deny quickly saying he was tired and wanted to rest or he had too many assignments to complete.

Harry wasn't ready to meet Louis yet.

He didn't know how he would survive in front of Louis without breaking down.

He still didn't decide how to explain Louis about this situation. He was fucked up.

Niall's words kept running in his head about telling Louis before it gets too late.

Harry wanted to tell Louis. He really did. But he didn't know how to.

He knew he wouldn't be able to bare Louis being mad at him. Or worse Louis breaking up with him.

Nope. Definitely not.

But if he explained Louis everything and Louis understood him properly, their won't be any issues between them.

But then again, being drunk is his only reason why he is in this entire fucked up situation and he knows Louis wouldn't take that.

Harry knows Louis' gonna be really mad and he doesn't want Louis to be upset with him. And Harry also knows that Louis would be very heartbroken.

Harry is the first person Louis has gotten emotionally close to in a very long time and he knew if Louis found out about this, his trust on Harry would completely break and he wouldn't be able to get close to anyone.

Harry definitely didn't want that.

Harry doesn't want Louis to fall in his own hell hole again where he kept struggling and fighting himself. He didn't want anything bad happening to Louis.

Harry didn't like the idea of avoiding Louis. He didn't like staying away from Louis so here he was, down Louis' apartment thinking if he should go up or turn back around and go to his flat.

He didn't text Louis saying he'd be visiting. He just came here straight up from Uni.

The marks which were on his neck had faded and the ones on his torso were close to disappearing but still visible.

He gulped as he walked inside the building and up the stairs. Within a matter of few seconds he was in front of Louis' door. He took a deep breath before ringing the bell.

He frowned when no one opened the door. He pressed the button again but still no response. He pressed it once again and guess what? No one responded. Again.

He knocked on the door and that was when he was greeted with Liam's friendly smile.

"Harry!" Liam chirped happily as he pulled him in for a hug.

"Hey." Harry says politely as he hugs him back. They pull away from the hug and Liam gestures Harry to come in.

"Guys look who's here!" Liam says as both the boys enter the living room.

In the living room, Louis and Zayn were sprawled on the couch watching a random TV show.

"Hi." Harry smiles at both the boys.

"Harry! How are you mate? It's been ages since we've last met." Zayn says in his thick Bradford accent.

"Yeah, I've been really busy with Uni." Harry chuckles nervously as he plops down on the couch beside Louis.

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