Chapter 32

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Another smut chapter cuz yall thirsty.

Louis in a tank top. HOLY SHIT.

~~Sexual content~~


Time passed by fast and it had been two months since Harry and Louis were together.

Well not exactly together cause they still didn't had the boyfriend talk.

But either way they both were happy.

Harry thought that labelling things would just mess it all up so he was happy the way they were going.

They both had gone to multiple dates together and spent alot of time with each other.

Along with that they have had sex a multiple times. Harry was happy that Louis trusted him enough to do things with him and didn't push him away.

Louis hadn't said anything about his past to Harry, but Harry wasn't the one to push him. He wanted Louis to take his time and tell him about it. Though sometimes he was very curious about what had happened but he never asked.

The chilly air of mid September was blowing while both Louis and Harry were stressed.

Harry was stressed about his mid-terms. He had to study alot for them to increase his grade for his finals meanwhile Louis, well he was beyond stressed.

One issue was that Liam kept on pushing him to tell Harry the truth because according to him two months is very long and Harry deserved to know what had happened.

No wonder Louis desperately wanted to tell Harry what happened but he was scared.

Scared that Harry would leave him.

Scared that Harry would never want to see him again.

He had a huge fear of loosing Harry and he'd rather never tell Harry about his past than loosing him.

"Louis!" Liam called as he entered Louis' bedroom. Louis was sitting on his desk staring at his laptop. "What's wrong?" Liam asks as he sees the frown on Louis' face.

Louis sighs and looks up at Liam with sad eyes.

"I got rejected." He says silently.

Liam stands behind him and keeps his arms on his shoulder.

"It's alright, it's their loss anyways." Liam says as Louis nods.

"But I need to start doing something! I can't stay a fucking bartender for my entire life!" Louis says frustratedly.

"I know Louis but you are trying your best! You can apply for the other one, I'm sure that'd work." Liam says smiling and Louis nods, again.

"Well why were you here?" Louis asks.

"Oh yeah I bought us burgers for lunch." Liam says. "C'mon let's go and eat."

"Thanks, I'm starving." Louis says as they both head towards the kitchen to eat.


It was quite chilly when Harry left the library to go home. He had been studying all evening for his upcoming exam which was on Saturday (It's Thursday now).

He hadn't seen Louis the entire week so he decided to stop by Louis' flat for sometime before he went home to study more.

He walked towards Louis' building and once he reached he went straight to Louis' flat.

He knocked on the door a few times but nobody answered which made him frown. There was still an hour left for Louis to go to the club for his work so he was suppose to be home.

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