Chapter 19

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It had been three days since the incident between Louis and Harry, and their was no sign of Louis since then.

After Tuesday night, the next morning Harry woke up joyfully and told Niall everything that happened-not very detailed-and Niall was glad that Harry finally did something.

That night Harry went to the club where Louis worked to meet him but was shocked to know that neither Louis or Zayn were their.

He came back home worried and told Niall that Louis wasn't there and Niall tried to calm him down saying they must be sick or something. That didn't convince Harry much but still he decided not to worry about it much and he'll go again tomorrow.

Thursday night Harry went to the club again, and again he came back home worriedly because Louis wasn't there.

Now he started to feel that he actually scared Louis away. He felt terrible. He thought that Louis didn't want to do any of those and all his actions were of drunkenness and now he must have regret it.

Niall tried his best to keep his friend calm but Harry didn't stop black himself. He felt terrible of doing all those things with Louis.

To keep Harry calm, Niall said he'd call Louis because he had his number to which Harry agreed.

Niall tried to call Louis three times that night but his phone was switched off and Harry got more worried. They tried calling Liam and Zayn but none of them picked up either which made both the boys worried.

Now Niall started to feel a little worried too because he knew something was wrong but he tried his best to keep himself up and help his friend calm down.

Friday morning started with Harry calling Liam or Zayn. Harry still had the thought in his mind that Louis didn't want to talk to him so he tried to call Liam and Zayn instead but either their phones not reachable or they wouldn't pick up.

Now Harry was getting annoyed because of their behavior. He wanted to know what was wrong and why they weren't picking up his calls. So he decided to go to Liam and Louis' flat after his classes.

Time passed by very slowly. Right now he was sitting in his last class of the day and there was still half an hour left for his class to end.

In middle of the class, Harry texted Niall that he was gonna go to Liam and Louis' flat. Niall texted back saying he shouldn't go but Harry tried to convince  him that he wanted to so Niall told him that he'd tag along too to which Harry agreed.

As soon as Harry's class ended he rushed out of the classroom and towards the students parking lot. He stood beside Niall's car waiting for him to come but Niall being himself came ten minutes late.

They both sat down in the car and drove towards Louis' flat. Niall tried to tell Harry on the way to their flat that it's no need to go but Harry refused to listen.

Once they reached Louis' apartment Harry rushed towards Louis' flat and pressed the button of their door bell.

He ringed the bell more than five times but no one opened the door that means they weren't home.

Now Harry started to panic. He couldn't figure out what was happening but whatever was happening it wasn't good.

Niall tried to calm him down saying they probably went outside for work or something and they'd come back later. Harry agreed and they both went back to their flat.

While on the way to their flat, Harry made his mind to go to the club again to see if Louis or Zayn were there or not.

When Harry reached home, he took a bath to freshen up a little meanwhile Niall ordered pizza for their lunch.

They ate peacefully and after their food was finished Harry went back to his room.

Harry's head was running with thousands of thoughts and he couldn't concentrate on anything. He decided to do his assignments to distract himself from Louis but that didn't help. He couldn't stop thinking about Louis at all.

He decided to sleep because he was very tired and stressed the past few days so sleeping would be better.

He laid down on his bed and it took him atleast fifteen minutes to sleep.

When Harry woke up it was dark outside. He grabbed his phone from his bedside table to check the the time and it was half past seven.

He saw that he had a text message from Niall saying he was out with Barbara and will come later tonight to which Harry replied 'okay'.

He got out of bed and dressed into proper clothes. He grabbed his phone, wallet and house key and left the flat and made sure to lock it.

He booked a cab and went to the club to see if Louis or Zayn were there or not.

When he reached the club, he paid the driver and thanked him and got out of the car.

He took a deep breathe and opened the club door and went inside.

As soon as he entry the club his eyes went wide when he saw Zayn at the bat and quickly ran towards him.

"Zayn!" Harry almost yelled as he was approaching Zayn. Zayn looked up and saw Harry coming towards him.

"Oh hey Harry." Zayn said a little hesitantly.

"Where have you all been? And where's Louis?" Harry asks.

"I uh- we all were in Doncaster." Zayn stutters a little.

"Doncaster?" Harry asks and Zayn nods. "But why? Why were you all not picking up your calls? And where is Louis and Liam?"

"They both are still in Doncaster." Zayn replies quitely.

"Why are they in Doncaster Zayn?" Harry asks worriedly but Zayn doesn't answer which makes Harry annoyed. "I've been worried sick Zayn! Not even a single one of you answered my calls! What is going on!?" He exclaims

"Uh-" Zayn tries to form words to explain Harry what happened.

"Is it because of me?" Harry couldn't resist asking. "Did I do something wrong? Is it because I kissed Louis?" Harry asks shakily and Zayn is quick to deny.

"No no it's not you at all trust me." Zayn says reassuringly and Harry nods. "It's uh-"

And when the next words slipped out of Zayn's mouth Harry felt his heart break into pieces.

"Louis' mum passed away...."


Do you guys think I should change the cover?
What do you guys think??
I'm sorry if their are any grammatical mistakes 😔

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Hope you all enjoyed♡


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