Zayn and Liam

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So I've been thinking that I've been missing out on Ziam a bit so I've made this chapter entirely dedicated to ziam.

So this chapter starts from when all the boys went out to the pub together.


As Harry went to get drinks for himself, Zayn saw Liam at the end of the bar talking to Barbara.

He looked absolutely stunning today. He was wearing black jeans and a loose white tshirt. It was simple but since Liam wore it, it looked amazing.

He saw Barbara go towards Harry so he took the chance and went towards Liam to talk to him.

"Oh hey Zayn." Liam smiles at the raven-haired guy as he sees him approach him.

"Hi." Zayn returns the smile as he looks at Liam holding a bottle of beer. "Is that all you're drinking tonight?" He asks pointing at the bottle of beer in his hand.

"Uhh yeah, M' not really good with alcohol." Liam says shyly as he scratches the back of his neck with his free hands.

"Oh Liam is terrible with alcohol." Louis' voice appears our of nowhere as he settles himself in a barstool beside Zayn.

"Heyyy! I'm not even that bad." Liam protests but Louis ignores him as he continues.

"You know once what happened, we decided to got to the club to get drunk and all and some guy came towards Liam and started talking to him. He was super hot and he definitely wanted to take Liam home so he started buying Liam drinks and Liam became so drunk that when both of them were dancing Liam threw up all over him!" Louis says throwing his head back and laughing loudly.

Zayn couldn't help but chuckle as he looked at Liam who was turned completely red out of embarrassment.

"That was once! And it's not even funny!" Liam says completely embarrassed.

"It was so funny." Louis says and they continue to talk about random things and not discussing about any other embarrassing moments of Liam as he requested for it.

After talking for few minutes, Louis left both the boys alone but not before winking at Zayn.

Zayn was alone with Liam- again and one thing he was happy to know that was Liam as gay. Or maybe he could be bi but he was attracted to guys and that made Zayn more confident on asking Liam out.

He started off with small talks with Liam and unwantedly also flirting with him. What he didn't expect was Liam to flirt back and then get all shy and flustered.

He doesn't know what happens next but the next thing he remembers is that he is standing between Liam's legs and kissing him hard. Kissing him so fast that he felt like Liam couldn't keep up with him but he didn't care.

He had been waiting for this moment for so long that he couldn't resist.

Zayn is the first who pulls back and pants slightly as he looks at Liam who looked breathless aswell.

He then pulls Liam to the dance floor and insists him to dance along. Liam refuses to dance saying he's not good at it but Zayn still insists.

He turns and presses his back against Liam's chest and brings Liam's hand in the front and makes them wrap around his waist and he gently sways both of them on the dance floor.

And also-not purposefully- he grinds his ass against Liam's cock and hears Liam's little gasp against his ear. He smirks to himself and continues his actions as he feels Liam's grip tighten around his waist.

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