Chapter 9

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~~Sexual content~~

When Harry, Niall and Barbara reached the club, Zayn, Louis and Liam were already there.

"Hey guys." Niall greeted as they approached them.

"Hi, how are you all doing?" Liam asked happily.

"Good good." Niall said. "This is Barbara my girlfriend, I hope you don't mind that I bought her with us." Niall said gesturing towards Barbara.

"Absolutely not, its nice to meet you, I'm Liam." Liam said politely.

Barbara shook hands with each of them and they introduced themselves to her. Harry greeted each of them as well after her.

Louis was wearing tight black skinny jeans and a white tank top, which looked amazing on him. Harry shamelessly checked him out for a good fifteen seconds and thought what things Louis could do with him. He saw all Louis' tattoos in his hands and a tattoo was poking out of his chest and Harry just wanted to bite on those. He quickly shook his head from those thoughts and joined others in clubbing.

Harry saw Louis checking him out from head to toe and smirked to himself knowing Louis was staring at him.

The club was almost full when they reached. They all made their way to the bar and ordered their drinks. Soon their drinks arrived and they all started drinking.

Liam, Louis and Niall were talking about something which Harry couldn't figure out, Barbara was on her phone and Zayn was sitting opposite to him staring at Liam, so Harry decided to talk to him.

"Hey." Harry said.

"Oh hi." Zayn said nervously as he didn't notice Harry.

"Soo.. Liam hmm" Harry trailed in a teasing way, the alcohol already starting to do it's work. He smirked when he saw Zayn's face heat up.

"I-I don't know w-what you're t-talking about." Zayn stuttered nervously. His face became red like a tomato due to embarrassment.

"Oh come on Zee." Harry encouraged him. "I noticed you yesterday too." Harry smirked.

"Well I noticed you too." Zayn backfired, he smirked as he saw Harry's smirk fell and he turned red.

"W-what are you talking about?" Harry managed to say.

"Someone's got hots for Louis hmm." Zayn said while leaning a little forward so nobody else could hear them.

"What! No!" Harry exclaimed.

"Come on, mate." Zayn said. "Let's make a deal, you tell me about Louis and I tell you about Liam, alright?" Zayn said drunkly.

"Alright." Harry said grinning devilishly. They both were too drunk to be in their senses and started laughing loudly at their own deal.

"Let's go get another drink." Harry says as he shows his empty glass to Zayn.

"Okay." Zayn agrees and they order more drinks for themselves.

"So Liam?" Harry asks once their drinks arrive.

"Yeah well." Zayn scratches the back of his neck nervously before continuing. "The first time I met him was when he and Louis came to the club and since then I had a crush on him. I am too scared to ask him out because I don't know if he is into guys or not."

"Well no doubt he looks so intimidating, but he is a very sweet guy." Harry says.

"Yeah." Zayn says smiling fondly. "I'll try something tonight maybe." He says unsurely. "What's up with you and Louis?"

"Well you know I met him like two days ago." Zayn nods as a sign for Harry to continue. "I find him very hot you know? I think I have a crush on him but I'm not sure if he likes me back."

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