Chapter 12

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Loud music was blasting from the speakers when all the friends reached the club.

The entire club was filled with the entire football team and their friends. As the team won they all decided to get drunk and enjoy.

Half of the team were laughing about Louis kicking the ball at Nick's face. The discussion lasted for a long time as they all celebrated their victory.

Right now all the five friends were sitting at the bar waiting for their drinks. Louis was leaning against the bar and looking at the bartender making their drinks and Zayn, Liam and Niall were talking about something Harry couldn't figure out.

Harry decided to personally congratulate Louis for his victory. He went beside Louis and sat on the barstool beside him. He had around 4 drinks by now and the alcohol had already started doing it's work so he was confident enough to speak to him.

"Oops." Louis says as he almost drips his drink on Harry.

"Hi." Harry says with a smile on his face.

"Hey." Louis says returning the smile.

"You did amazing today." Harry says happily.

"Thank you." Louis says.

"And the ball you hit straight across Nick's face was fucking amazing!" Harry exclaims happily. "Bitch deserved it."

"Wait you know Nick?" Louis asks curiously.

"Yeah we study in the same college and I share a few classes with him." Harry grumbles.

"Yeah he is quite annoying." Louis says.

"Very annoying." Harry adds and Louis just laughs.

"When does your college start?" Louis asks.

"Monday." Harry sighs.

"Well best of luck to that." Louis says as he takes a sip of his drink.

"Oh did you get hurt?" Harry asks, Louis looks at him confused, not understanding what Harry is referring to. "Nick pushed you right, did you get hurt?"

"Oh yeah, not much, just got a little scratch." He says as he turns his face and shows Harry the little scratch on his face.

"Let's me see." Harry says as he gets up and stands in front of Louis.

He was very drunk and confident of what he was doing so he moves very close to Louis and stands between his legs. He keeps one of his arms on Louis' shoulder and with the other arm he cups Louis' face and slightly caresses over the scar with his thumb.

Louis hesitates a little and moves back but Harry leans more forward and their noses bump into each other.

Louis let's out a shaky breath and he stares into Harry's emerald eyes.

"You looked really good today." Harry whispers to him and he leans forward to close the gap between them but stops immediately when Louis' phone starts ringing loudly.

He leans back completely and sees Louis take his phone out of his pocket.

"Sorry I need to take this." He says a little shakily as he tries to process what just happened.

Fuck, Harry was about to kiss him.

He gets off the barstool and goes to a corner where it is a little silent so he could talk to the person on call.

Harry orders another drink for himself and sits down on one of the barstools. He sees Zayn approaching hum but doesn't make any move to talk to him.

"I saw what you did." Zayn says, Harry just hums in response. "I think you shouldn't have done it."

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