Chapter 24

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Read the A/N below!!



The night came by quickly and soon it was time to go to bed. After the dinner, everyone parted their ways and went to their room, except Louis.

He went to the backyard, enjoying the cold night breeze while smoking. He stayed there for a couple of minutes and went inside.

He went upstairs and checked up on the twins who were fast asleep on their beds and made his way Liam's bedroom, where his bag was kept. When he entered the room, Liam was nowhere to be seen to which he was thankful and he quickly opened up his bag to take out a pair of sweats and a white tee to sleep on.

Before he could leave the room, Liam entered and he sighed looking at him.

"You can sleep here." He simply says as he goes towards the bed and takes his phone from the nightstand.

"It's okay." Louis replies as he makes his way to leave the room.

"Lou, you know I don't mind." Liam says softly.

"I know! But I don't want to!" He exclaims because he thought that he had been a huge burden for Liam and he did not want to trouble him more.

"I can't stand when you sleep in the couch." Liam says silently.

"Li it's fine, its just a two day thing and then it's done." Louis says and smiles at him to make him feel better.

"Okay, but you can come here of you want to, you know that right?" Liam asks and Louis nods.

"Goodnight Li." He says happily and goes to the bathroom to change. After changing his clothes, he gets out and bumps into Harry who was going inside the washroom.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know-" He started but Louis was quick to shut him down.

"It's alright, I was leaving anyway." He chuckles a little and Harry smiles at him. "Goodnight." He says and Harry nods.

Harry frowns when Louis goes downstairs because he didn't see any room downstairs other than one, which was Louis' grandparent's room.

"Aren't you going to your room?" He asks which makes Louis stop in his tracks.

"Uh no." Louis says hesitantly.

"Where are you sleeping then?" Harry asks curiously.

Louis doesn't look at him and just mutters "on the couch" and hurries downstairs without waiting for Harry to reply.

Harry shrugs it off and goes inside the bathroom. After doing his business, he comes out and sees Louis coming out from one of the rooms, which he remembers was Lottie's. Louis doesn't notice Harry and makes his way towards the stairs.

"Louis," Harry says which makes Louis stop and turn towards him, looking at him questioningly, "where is your room?" Harry asks curiously. Louis turns completely towards Harry and points towards the room at the last door at the end of the hallway which was beside Lottie's room. Harry looks at the door for a few seconds and then turns back to Louis. "Why aren't you sleeping there?" He asks.

Louis takes in a shaky breathe and looks at Harry. "I haven't been there in years." He says a little hesitantly.

"Why don't you go in then?" Harry continues asking.

"I d-dont want to." Louis says silently and goes back downstairs.

Harry looks at him and the door for few seconds before going back to his room. When he enters the room, he sees Niall laying on the bed using his phone.

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