Chapter 37

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"I've got news for you."

"Yeah? What is it?" Harry asks as he adjusts his phone on his shoulder and takes a sip from his water bottle. He keeps the bottle on his bedside table and sits on his bed with his back pressed against the headboard.

"I got myself tested and it's all clear."

"Oh my God does that mean you can fuck me raw now?" Harry jokes and Louis barks out a laugh.

They both talk about random things for a while until Harry starts whining, again.

"You can come with me!!" Harry insists Louis to come to the frat party with him.

It was Saturday evening and Harry had to leave for the party at the frat house in a few hours. He had been trying his best to convince Louis to come with him but Louis wouldn't.

"I've got work love." Harry heard Louis' soft voice from the phone.

"You can take a day off right?" Harry asks hopefully.

"I really can't love and it's a night shift so I'd be off really late."

"You're over-working yourself." Harry mumbles sadly.

"It's not a big deal darling, we'll go out next week 'kay?" Louis says.

"Alright." Harry smiles.

They talk for another ten minutes before hanging up.

Harry takes a small nap after his call with Louis. When he woke up he decided to take a shower and then get ready for the party.

This wasn't the first time he was going to a party at the frat house, he'd been to a few the previous year but he was still nervous. He wasn't used to interacting with people much and he didn't know many people around the campus and plus he only had a few friends.

He was just counting on the night to go by easily without any problems.


The smell of alcohol lingered in the entire house. The hallways, living room, kitchen, bedrooms and even the bathrooms, alcohol was everywhere.

Loud music was blasting through the speakers while people were dancing. Sweaty bodies dancing against each other or making out in the crowd.

People were in every corner of the house. Few were dry humping each other on the kitchen counters while others were making out on the couch.

Friends enjoying themselves and playing games like spin the bottle and beer ping pong.

People were smoking weed and drinking alcohol as if there is no tomorrow for them.

The night was crazy.

People were living the best moments of their life.

Well except Harry.

Harry was sitting on a barstool in the kitchen with his drink on his hand while he saw a couple making out against the wall.

He had no idea where his friends were. The last thing he remembers is Niall going to the bathroom and few minutes later Barbara disappeared from his side. And that happened probably like forty minutes ago.

He was quite tipsy but not completely drunk and he was bored. Right when Harry was about to throw his empty cup away he heard a feminine voice yell his name.

"Harry!!" Nicole chirped as she approached him with two other girls following her. Harry recognized one of them, who was Kate but didn't recognize the other red haired girl.

Nicole shared many classes with Harry at Uni and both of them were quite good friends. And Kate was Nicole's roommate so Harry spoke to her a few times too.

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