Chapter 44

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Life completely changes when you are truly in love with somebody. It feels like whatever you are doing is right.

When you're in love you feel strong, but you also fear that you may lose them one day. But if it's true love you'll get back to them.

Love is more than lust. Love is a mixture of lust, attraction, loyalty, kindness, honesty and many more things.

When you're in love with someone you feel deeply connected to them. As if you can feel their pain or happiness from miles away.

When you're in love with someone you can't sleep because reality seems finally better than dreams.

And the worst part of falling in love is that to hurt the ones you love.

Breaking heart of the person you love the most can break everything between the two people.

Trust is one of the main thing in a relationship and breaking that can destroy everything.

Breaking someone's heart is painful. Guilt is obvious. It feels like you have broken someone completely and now you can't live knowing that the person they loved once hates them now.

When two people love eachother, it is hard to live without them.

This is the same way Harry felt now. It had been two months since the conversation between Louis and Harry occurred and since then he hasn't spoken to Louis.

Two months since he didn't see Louis' beautiful face, two months since he didn't hear Louis' soft voice.

He was miserable. He missed Louis so much but he couldn't go back to him. Louis not wanting to meet him was not the only reason, he didn't want to hurt Louis. He had hurt Louis enough and he couldn't take the risk of going in front of Louis and saying something stupid which would make Louis mad at him again.

He loved Louis so much that it hurt. He wished he could go back to time and fix everything.

The environment was very cold. Of course it was cold, its December. Harry shoved his hands inside his pocket as he started walking the route towards his apartment from Uni.

It was his last week in uni, he had to attend three more days before the Christmas break started.

He was going back home this weekend. He was happy that he would finally be able to see his mum, Gemma and Robin after a very long time but a part of him didn't want to go.

Gemma was coming Sunday morning to pick him up and both of them were going to Cheshire together, but some reason he didn't want to go.

He didn't want to leave without talking to Louis. He knew that probably Louis would go to Doncaster too for Christmas but he wanted to meet him before he left.

Also it was Louis' birthday on Christmas eve and he didn't want to miss it. As he reached his apartment he decided to meet Louis before he left, or atleast try to talk to him because he was seriously out of his mind.

Without Louis everything felt different. He didn't have to go to watch Louis' football matches anymore. He didn't spend nights at Louis' flat anymore. He was so used to all of this and all of a sudden everything stopped and it hurt.

It hurt that he couldn't watch Louis play football anymore. He couldn't see him grinning widely because he won the match. He couldn't go to the club with Louis to celebrate his victory.

He was fucked up without Louis.

Niall would usually help him go through all of this but Niall seemed helpless now. All he could say was "You need to get your shit done together" which sort of made sense but the only issue was, he didn't know how.

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