Chapter 11

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⚠️I don't know anything about how football works so just bare with me.

~Not edited~


Time passed by fast and it was Friday already. Harry had two more days before the college started.

He hadn't spoken to Louis after he bumped into him on Wednesday. He has been constantly thinking about him and wanted to meet him in the club but he couldn't.

He thought that Louis wasn't interested in him. After seeing him with that girl at the club, he lost all the hopes to get Louis to like him.

He was sure that Louis was straight and wasn't into guys but if he wasn't interested in guys why would he call Harry hot? Why would he check him out at the club?

Harry had many thoughts like these running in his head everyday.

Right now he was sitting in the living room with Niall watching friends as Niall's phone suddenly started ringing.

"It's Louis." Niall said as he picked up the call. Harry sat up straight so he could hear what Louis said.

"Hey Louis what's up? I'm good- oh really! Sure we both will come. Okay sure- thank you! Byeee!!" Niall said happily as he hung up.

"What did he say?" Harry asked curiously.

"He has a charity match tomorrow at 7 and he wants both of us to come." Niall says. "And we both are going."

"Ohhh..." Harry says feeling a little nervous.

"Come on Haz, you just have to sit and watch, it'll be fine." Niall encouraged him.

"Okay." Harry says as he focuses back on the TV.


Saturday came by fast and now it was the time for Harry and Niall to leave for Louis' match.

Harry and Niall were supposed to meet Zayn and Liam outside the stadium as they had their tickets as well.

So right now Harry was standing in front of his closet, thinking what to wear.

He ended up wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a white tshirt with his classic white vans.

He and Niall drove to the stadium, it was a 20 minute ride from their flat to the stadium.

Harry had been nervous the entire ride as Niall kept reassuring him that nothing would happen but he was still nervous.

Soon Niall and Harry pulled up at the parking of the stadium, they both got out and headed their ways towards the entry where Zayn and Liam were waiting for them.

"Hey." Liam greeted when Niall and Harry approached them.

"Hi." Niall and Harry said at the same time.

All four of them walked inside and they were sitting on the front row VIP seats.

Liam said that Louis specially booked the VIP seats for them.

The match hadn't been started yet. Harry looked around and saw a massive crowd, he did not expect so many people to come as it was just a charity match, but there were alot of people here.

Harry was sitting between Niall and Zayn as Liam adjusted himself beside Zayn.

"When will the match start?" Harry whispers to Niall.

"In about 10 minutes." He replies. "I'm hungry." He grumbles loudly.

Harry snorts. "Of course you are."

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