Chapter 16

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Not edited!


It was Saturday afternoon and Harry was sitting on his bed with his laptop in his lap.

He was still curious about the entire topic with Louis so he decided to check Facebook in his laptop for some distractions.

He went through the notifications he got and scrolled his feed when suddenly an idea popped up in his head.

He quickly went to the search bar and typed 'Louis Tomlinson'. Many names came up but Harry clicked the first because the profile picture was of Louis. His username was @louist91 and his profile picture was a selfie of him and Liam together. It looked like they both were in a party or a function together and Harry couldn't help but smile at the picture.

 It looked like they both were in a party or a function together and Harry couldn't help but smile at the picture

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Harry looked through his account and there were only six posts. One of them was just a picture of sunset. There was one post in which Louis was with a girl and they both were flipping off the camera and Harry assumed it was his sister because of the caption.

"Friday night with Lottie."

Harry found the picture very hot and Louis looked adorable in it

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Harry found the picture very hot and Louis looked adorable in it.

There was another picture and Harry was shocked to see Niall in that picture.

"With my Irish lad."

Harry took his time and downloaded all the pictures of Louis in his laptop the most recent photo in his profile was a picture of him shirtless and Harry was quick to download it

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Harry took his time and downloaded all the pictures of Louis in his laptop the most recent photo in his profile was a picture of him shirtless and Harry was quick to download it

"Goodnight xx."

There were two more pictures of him with Zayn and Liam and Harry downloaded them too

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There were two more pictures of him with Zayn and Liam and Harry downloaded them too.

He followed Louis and liked all his posts. After scrolling through Facebook for another half an hour he shut his laptop and went towards the living room where Niall was sitting.

They both chatted for a while, discussed about college and watched TV.

Harry did not tell Niall about him kissing Louis so he figured this would be the best time.

"Ni?" Harry asks. Niall looks at Harry for a second, he hums and then looks back at the TV. "Can I tell you something?" Harry asks nervously.

"What did you do?" Niall asks, now his full attention on Harry.

"I kissed Louis." Harry says very fastly.

"You what?" Niall asks unbelievably.

"On the cheek." Harry adds to make the thing less complicated.

"Well," Niall says ad he turns off the TV, "when did you do this and how did he react?"

"I uh did it yesterday in the kitchen and well um" Harry scratches the back of his neck, "I think he didn't want it or he wasn't ready."

"He was obviously not ready." Niall rolls his eyes.

"You are suppose to make me feel good." Harry huffs.

They both spoke for a while and Harry goes back to his room to complete some of his assignments.

Soon the night came both the friends ate their dinner and went back to their room.

Harry laid on his bed and scrolled on his phone for some time and then slept peacefully.

While he was sleeping his phone buzzed a few times but he was in a deep sleep to check it.

@louist91 followed you back.

@louist91 liked your post!

@louist91 liked your post!


Just a short lame chapter I'm sorry 😭😭

But don't worry the drama is coming up.
Anyways do you guys want me to upload reference pictures for each chapter? Cuz I think I want to do that.

Their maybe late updates for a few days cuz I'm a little busy but I'll try my best.

Please don't forget to vote and comment <33

Hope you all enjoyed!!


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