Chapter 33

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It was the day of Harry's last exam and right now Harry was walking out of uni with a huge grin on his face.

He had finally completed his mid-terms and surprisingly it was easier than he thought.

He was walking back to his flat right now. He knew that Niall would be home because he still had another exam left so he stopped by a pizza store and bought them pizza before he went home.

When he reached his flat, he opened the door to find Niall sprawled on the couch with a book on his stomach and few more books laying on the floor.

Harry chuckled looking at his bestfriend as he went to the kitchen and kept the pizza boxes on the kitchen counter.

He went to his bedroom and kept his backpack on his desk before going back to the living room where his bestfriend was sleeping.

"Niall wake up." Harry says shaking Niall's shoulder.

"Fuck off." Niall groans sleepily.

After a few more minutes of trying to make Niall get up, he finally woke up.

Both the friends sat in the kitchen eating their lunch peacefully.

Harry told Niall about how his exam went and after that Niall started ranting about how tough his exams were and how he is still not prepared.

"We should go celebrate." Harry says suddenly as he takes the last bite of his pizza.

"For what?" Niall asks.

"Your birthday!!" Harry exclaims happily. "We couldn't celebrate last week because we both had mid-terms but now we're done, well I'm done but you'll be done on Friday so we can go out on Saturday!" Harry says happily.

"Yeah sure it would be fun." Niall says smiling. "We'll go to Louis' club." Niall says.

"Good, cause I was about to say that." Harry grins.

"Also have you heard about the party?" Niall asks as he gets up and keeps his plate on the sink.

"What party?" Harry asks confused.

"So apparently one of the frat house's is throwing a party next Saturday because the mid-terms ended, d'you wanna come?"

"Are you going?"

"Yeah I'm planning on to."

"Then okay."


"Yayyy!!" Loud cheers were heard when Louis made a goal last minute before the match ended, which meant Louis' team won.

All of Louis' teammates were hugging eachother happily because of their victory.

Harry, Niall, Liam and Zayn were watching Louis smile from the place they were seated.

Louis looked at his friends and gave them a wide smile before going back to the locker room.

Harry noticed that before Louis went back to the locker room, his coach stopped him and whispered something in his ear. Louis just nodded and went inside. Harry shrugged it off thinking it must be related to his training.

All the four friends were waiting outside the locker room for Louis but they were confused cause it had been almost twenty minutes and Louis hadn't come out yet.

"Should I call him?" Zayn asks but before anyone could reply, Louis came in front of them.

They all frowned because Louis was still in his jersey and he didn't come out from the locker room, instead he came from a different direction of the building which the boys didn't know.

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