Chapter 36

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Short chapter, sorry.


The next morning, Harry woke up first. His chest was pressed against Louis' back, his hand hanging around Louis' waist loosely while Louis had his hands on top of Harry's.

Harry groaned slightly because of the pain in his head. He was not ready for the upcoming hangover.

He clearly remembered what happened last night, how Louis fucked him and what Louis confessed, everything was very clear in his head.

The only thing he feared was Louis regretting his decision about confessing his past to Harry because Louis was very drunk when he confessed it to Harry and there were also chances for Louis not to remember anything.

He felt sick knowing what had happened with Louis. He never imagined that something so shitty would happen to Louis.

He never thought that behind a strong, muscular and happy man there was a struggling man who didn't get close to people in fear of loosing them.

He still couldn't believe how Louis was so strong even after all thsi things happened in his life.

He nuzzles his head in Louis' hair and breathes in his scent as Louis squirms underneath him, groaning.

"G'mornin'" Harry whispers as Louis opens his eyes slightly.

Louis lazily smiles at him and groans again.

"Fucking hell." Louis mutters because of the throbbing pain in his head. He turns around and lays on his back as Harry just smiles at him. Harry lies down on Louis' chest as Louis quickly wraps his hand around Harry.

"Are you okay?" Harry asks, playing with Louis' chest hair as Louis eyes were tightly shut.

"I feel like my head is gonna explode." Louis grumbles.

Suddenly all the last night events flash in front of Louis' eyes.

Party at the club, taking pictures with friends, leaving the party with Harry, sneaking into Brad's house and ruining his shoes, fucking Harry, making him come twice and-


Louis' eyes shot open and he quickly separates himself from Harry and sits up, trying to be as far as he could from Harry and stares at him with wide eyes.

"L-lou, wh-what's wrong?" Harry asked nervously, he mentally face palmed himself for stuttering so much because he didn't want Louis to know he was feeling anxious.

"I- I fuck." Louis mutters to himself, looking down at his lap.

What the hell did I do? He mentally curses himself for telling Harry everything. Of course he wanted to tell Harry about his past but not when he was drunk.

"Lou, talk to me." Harru says softly as Louis tenses up more.

"I- you know." Louis silently says breathing heavily.

"I do, and I'm here with you, I will always be." Harry says softly and goes closer to Louis. He cups Louis' face gently and presses his lips against Louis' for a small kiss.

"I'm sorry." Louis croaks out as they separate from their kiss.

"Shh, there's no reason to apologize,  c'mere." Harry says as he cradles Louis, holding him close to his chest.

"I just- I th-thought-" Louis silently sobs on Harry's chest as Harry continues to comfort him.

"Lou I don't hate you and I'm never gonna leave you, I promise." Harry says kissing Louis' head. "What happened with you was very wrong and you didn't deserve it at all, but look at you now. You're so strong and brave and you are perfect nobody could ever hate you."

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