Chapter 7

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Loud music was blasting through the speakers of the club as Harry and Niall were still at the club.

Louis introduced Liam to Harry and Niall so that they could get along and Liam wouldn't have to be alone as he waits.

Liam seemed to be a nice guy. Infact he was very kind and sweet. Harry found him intimidating at first but not anymore.

Also Harry kept glancing at Zayn every once in a while to see how his cheeks would heat up by the mention of Liam's name.

Niall kept trying to insist Harry on doing something but failed all the time. Harry distracted himself from Louis and focused on Liam instead.

Liam being the sweet guy he was, invited Harry and Niall along with him for dinner.

Both the friends were grateful for the offer and agreed to it. In this way Harry got another chance to talk to Louis for which he was very thankful.

And also Niall have been wanting to try the new restaurant too, so in a way it worked for both of them to go the restaurant.

Time passed by fast and soon Louis' and Zayn's shift ended.

They both went back to the backroom got freshened up and came back holding their bags.

They all went out of the club together. Liam, Louis and Zayn going to the restaurant in Liam's car as Harry and Niall drove to the restaurant in Niall's car.

As they entered the restaurant, it seemed quite fancy to all of them and by looking at the way the restaurant was decorated, all of them looked underdressed, but they didn't care.

They were greeted by a waiter, named Jake, who showed them their table and handed menus to each of them.

Harry, Niall and Zayn settled on the couch while Liam and Louis sat down on the chairs.

Harry kept on glancing at Louis every once in a while and he also caught Louis once staring at him.

They all ordered their food and were waiting for their order.

"So" Liam said breaking the silence. "Harry and Niall tell us something about yourselves." Harry noticed Louis raise his eyebrows and looking curiously at Harry.

"Well you probably know me very well as Louis is my personal bartender." Niall said,as Louis playfully rolled his eyes at him. "Anyways I'll introduce myself. I'm Niall Horan, I'm from Ireland and I'm 20."

"Um well my name is Harry Styles, I'm 19 and I'm from Cheshire. I uh came here for college." Harry said nervously.

"Oh you both go to the same college?" Liam asked, Harry and Niall nodded. "What do you guys study?"

"I'm studying journalism." Niall said.

"Psychology." Harry stated.

"Well Liam tell us something about yourself." Niall suggested.

"Right, my name's Liam Payne, I'm 22, and I'm a pre-school teacher." Liam stated proudly.

"So hot." Zayn mumbled lowly so that nobody could listen but Harry heard him as he was sitting right beside him. Harry's head snapped towards Zayn and Zayn's eyes widened because he didn't want anyone to hear it.

"Louis tell them something about yourself." Zayn suggested trying to distract Harry from the previous incident which obviously worked.

"Well my name is Louis Tomlinson, I'm 23 and I'm from Doncaster." Louis said looking at Harry. "Y'all know that I'm a bartender, besides that I play football."

Harry just gawks at Louis while he speaks when suddenly Niall elbows him harshly to get him out of his world. Harry groans slightly in pain which doesn't go unnoticed by anyone.

"Are you okay?" Liam asks Harry.

"Yeah I'm fine." Harry says giving them a fake smile.

"You know we all should hang out more." Niall said after a few minutes of silence.

"Yeah I was thinking the same thing." Liam said. "It'd be fun."

"Yeah sure we can do that." Louis said.

"Alright so when do y'all wanna go out?" Niall asked.

"Tomorrow?" Louis suggests. "I don't have work tomorrow neither does Zayn so we both can come." Louis says while Zayn nods.

"But where?" Liam asks.

After discussing for a while Niall suggests to go 'Hydra Nightclub' which is one of the coolest club's in town according to Niall. All of them agreed to it and had a small chat.

Soon their food arrived and they ate in peaceful silence occasionally having a small talk with each other.

Harry was quite most of the time, he did not say anything until he was asked something. He kept on looking at Louis and observing how he talks, and found him a really sweet guy.

Liam and Zayn joked calling him an asshole and Liam shared some weird moments of Louis in college, saying he was big asshole and used to be crazy. But Louis just huffed in response.

Harry did not think Louis was and asshole. But was he? Harry got confused because Louis was sweet all the time so why would they call him an asshole?

Harry shook all those thoughts away concentrating on his food and occasionally laughing if anyone makes a joke.

Soon their food was finished. Niall, Zayn and Liam were talking about something while Louis excused himself for going to the bathroom.

Niall quickly whispered to Harry and told him to go to the bathroom but he denied so Niall elbowed him harshly, again, so he got up, huffed and walked towards the bathroom. He turned to look at Niall who grinning devilishly and Harry just wanted to punch him in the face.

Harry enters the bathroom and sees that Louis was standing in front of the sink washing his hands.

"Hi." Harry says in a shy tone and Louis almost jumps at the sudden voice because he did not notice Harry walk in.

"Oh hey." Louis says, fixing his hair a little.

Harry doesn't know what to say, he doesn't even know why he came in here in the first place.

He hesitantly takes a few steps closer to Louis not knowing what to do.

What should I say? What if I scare him away? What if he doesn't find me attractive? What if he thinks I'm stupid?

So many thoughts were running in his head when suddenly Louis spoke up.

"Ya' know." Louis said facing Harry. "You're hot yourself."

"W-what?" Harry asks shocked, his face turning red.

"I didn't forget yesterday mate."Louis says, chuckling.

Harry realises what Louis means now and his face turns red in embarrassment and he also blushes slightly which doesn't go unnoticed
by Louis.

"T-thank you." Harry stutters looking down at his feet, smiling to himself.

"Come on, let's go out before Niall starts manifesting things." Louis says and Harry laughs.


After they bid their goodbyes Niall and Harry sat down in their car and Niall starts questioning Harry about what happened.

Harry explains Niall whatever happened and Niall just snorts and says that he missed a good chance to kiss him.

Harry just ignores him and they both talk about how much they enjoyed.

They both reached their apartment and went straight to their room's as both of them got tired.

Harry strips down to his boxers and goes straight to his bed to get some sleep.


I don't like this chapter
Anyways what do you guys think??
Please vote and comment <33


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