Chapter 13

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New update cuz it's my birthday ✨️



Days passed very quickly and the college had been started.

Harry and Niall got very busy with their lectures that they got tired very quickly and couldn't go anywhere out during the evening.

It had almost been a week since Harry hadn't seen Louis. The last time he saw him was in the club where he almost kissed him.


It was Friday and right now Harry was sitting in the last class of his day. There were still 10 minutes for the class to end and he just wanted to go home and sleep.

He was glad that it was Friday because the first week of college had been tiring and it would take time to get back to his old routine.

Niall had texted him earlier that they'd meet outside the college after their last class and go grab lunch from Macdonalds.

The class ended and Harry quickly grabbed all his stuff and made his way towards the exit where Niall was already waiting for him.

They both made their way to Niall's car as Niall went to the passenger seat and told Harry to drive because he was too tired to which Harry just rolled his eyes but went to the drivers side happily because he loved to drive.

They both made their way to Macdonalds and gave their order and settled in one of the tables their.

They both chatted for a while about how the college had been this week and soon an announcement was made by their name that their order had been ready. Niall quickly went to the counter and bought their food and they both started eating it.

"Let's go to the club tonight." Niall says suddenly.

"No." Harry says immediately. "I'm very tired."

"Come on Harold." Niall insists. "We'll go today and rest tomorrow." Harry huffs in response. "It'll be fun, plus you haven't seen Louis this entire week."

"I don't want to meet him." Harry mumbles as he stuffs a chicken nugget into his mouth.

"Why not?" Niall asks confused.

"On the party that day, I uh- tried to kiss him." Harry says as his voice becomes lower as each word comes out.

"You what!?" Niall exclaims loudly as a few people turn and looked towards them.

"Shhhh." Harry shushes him.

"What did you exactly do?"

"Well I was very drunk and I was talking to him and then I uh just leaned forward and tried to kiss him but his phone started ringing so I couldn't." Harry says as he takes a bite from his burger, Niall cackles.

"And that's why you don't want to meet him?"

"Yeah I'm just embarrassed." Harry says nervously. "I think I scared him."

Niall snorts in response. "Why would you scare him? Let's go to the club today and enjoy." Harry just hums in response as they both continue to eat their food.

They both were eating in peaceful silence when the door burst open and two little toddlers came running inside.

The door banged to the wall so loudly that everyone's attention was at the two toddlers. Niall and Harry were looking at them when suddenly a tensed Louis entered Macdonalds which was followed by Liam and Louis grabbed both the toddlers hands.

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