Chapter 5

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Harry woke up with a pounding headache. He took his phone from the nightstand to check the time.


Harry groaned and got up from his bed and went to the washroom.

He looked at his reflection on the mirror and he looked horrible. He quickly brushed his teeth and fixed his fair. He got out and wore a pair of shorts and a tshirt and made his way to the kitchen.

As he entered the kitchen he saw that it was empty, he went to the living room and saw that it was empty too. He figured that Niall would still be sleeping as he drank ten times more than Harry.

Harry went to the kitchen and started making pancakes because he knew Niall would have a terrible headache when he wakes up.

After Harry eats his pancakes, he makes a plate for Niall and makes him orange juice because it helps Niall fo through his hangover.

A few moments later Niall enters the kitchen with groaning sounds. As soon as he enters he takes the glass of orange juice and gulps all of it at once.

"Good morning to you too." Harry sighs. "I made you breakfast." He says pointing towards the plate of pancakes.

"Thanks." Niall mumbles, and starts eating.

After sitting in comfortable silence for a while, Niall breaks it.

"My head still hurts." Niall groans.

Harry shrugs, not knowing what to say.

"So" Niall starts.

"So?" Harry asks curiously.

"You think Louis' hot?" Niall asks, wiggling his eyebrows teasingly.

Harry groans. "You can't runaway all the time Styles. You know you can tell me anything."

"I know." Harry says. He sighs and continues "I just don't know how that slipped outta my mouth,I really didn't mean to say it."

"But you think he's hot?"

"I mean yeah,he's a pretty good looking guy."

"Little Harry's got a crush." Niall said teasingly. "But bro, seriously, you met him once, you don't even know what he's like."

"Maybe I'll get to know him." Harry says  with a smirk.

"He has a girlfriend." Niall said after a couple of seconds. Harry's mouth fell open and before he could say anything Niall bursts out laughing.

"Oh my God." Harry groans at his friend's weird behavior.

"See you don't know anything about him." Niall says between laughs.

"Does he really have a girlfriend?" Harry asks with pleading eyes.

"No." Niall replies. Harry let's out a sigh of relief.

"Is he gay?" Harry asks curiously.

"Not sure mate, he never told me."


Harry was laying on the couch with his legs resting on Niall's lap while Niall changes the channel on the TV.

"Let's go to the club again." Harry says after a few minutes of comfortable silence.

"Hell no." Niall said.

"Come on mate, please."

"I'm not going with you, go alone."

"What sort of a friend are you?" Harry huffs.

"I'm not helping you in this shit."

"Niall I wanna know him, please." Harry pleads. "We'll not drink."

Niall sighs."Ok. But we'll have to go around 5:00 today."

"Why?" Harry asks curiously.

"Louis only has night shifts on Sunday. Weekdays he works during evening."

"Ok fine." Harry says getting up from the couch to go and have a shower. Before he goes, he hugs Niall tightly. "Thanks Irish."He chuckles.

"Leave me before I change my mind." Niall says half seriously while grinning.

Harry quickly leaves him and scrambles to his bedroom.

He takes a shower and decides what he should wear for the evening.

He felt a weird type of connection in him Louis which made him more interested in the blue eyed boy.

He was determined that he wanted to know about the bartender. He wanted to get close with him, spend time with him to get to know him.

He wanted to see that precious smile everyday, he wanted to hear that sweet voice everyday, he wanted to feel those pink soft lips on his everyday.

He smiles to himself thinking of so many things he could do with the feathery haired boy.

Tonight's gonna be fun.


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Also I'm writing another book of my favourite larry fics, make sure to check it out!
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