Chapter 41

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This chapter is mostly on Louis' pov so whatever is written ahead is all what Louis is thinking so don't get confused.



Louis didn't know how to react about what happened just a few minutes ago.

He had many emotions going on inside him. Anger, sadness, heartbroken and many.

He felt very angry about what Harry did but he was more sad about it. He couldn't believe the guy he trusted so much would cheat on him.

He was sitting in his car on the parking lot of his apartment, staring at the steering wheel.

His eyes prickled with tears and his mind went fuzzy.

He didn't know what was happening.

Everything was going fine. He was happy. Harry was happy and then suddenly nothing is right.

He hated the way he felt right now. He knew this was coming up, that something would go wrong.

Harry obviously hated him and that's why he cheated on him, because why would anyone want to be with a guy who was raped? He was disgusted from Louis and that's why cheated.

He cheated right after a few days of Louis' confession.

Louis felt something churn in his stomach and all of a sudden he felt disgusted by himself.

If he never gave Harry a chance, this wouldn't have happened right? He thinks to himself.

He hated the way he felt. Harry knew everything. Louis trusted him with his whole heart and told Harry everything about him and he cheated on him right after.

Harry would probably go around and tell everyone how big of a coward he is and that made him feel sick.

He got out of the car and sprinted to his flat unable to sit in the car for a longer time.

The moment he enters his flat, he hears Liam's voice.

"Lou, is that you? Did-" Liam's voice was cut off as Louis shut his bedroom door and locked it so that Liam wouldn't bother him and went towards his bed.

He couldn't take it anymore. He starting to really feel for Harry and this happened.

Louis knew he should've never let his guard down.

All he wanted to do right now was cry and he did. He pulled one of his pillows to his chest and began to cry.

He could hear Liam's faint voice coming from outside of the door but he didn't care right now, too caught up in his own emotions.

"Lou, what's wrong?" Liam softly asks, knocking on his door. He could hear Louis cry and he got worried and couldn't help himself from knocking more cause the door was locked from inside.

"Lou you okay? Where's Harry? Wasn't he supposed to come with you?" hearing Harry's name made him cry even more.

"L-leave me al-alone." Is all he was able to choke out as he continued to cry hard against the pillow.

His mind was fuzzy and all the voices in his head started to come back which scared him even more. He could still hear Liam's voice calling out for him but he couldn't pay any attention to it as the voices in his head kept screaming at him.

It's all your fault.

He hates you.

Nobody would ever want to love a guy who was raped.

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