Chapter 43

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Harry didn't know how he ended up in front of Louis' flat.

He had been thinking about how Niall told him he and Louis should talk. He had been rehearsing the conversation to do with Louis over and over in his head.

He was a nervous wreck but he couldn't live without Louis anymore.

He missed him.

He missed his voice, the way he used to softly whisper in his ear. He missed his scent, his touch, how his lips felt against his and everything about Louis.

All he wanted right now was to talk to Louis and explain him everything and apologise to him and hold him and tell him that he's enough and he doesn't hate him.

He took a deep breath before ringing the bell.

He frowned when no one opened the door so he pressed the button again and then realized that their bell was probably not working so he knocked the door.

A couple of seconds later, Zayn opened the door.

"Harry........" Zayn said, "What are you doing here?"

"I- I wanted to talk to Louis." Harry says silently.

"Harry you ca-"

"Zayn please." Harry pleads. "I just want to talk to him and want to apologize to him please."

"Harry he isn't home." Zayn informs him and he sees how Harry's face fell.

"Oh....." Harry says sadly. He was really counting on talking to Louis today. "Can I- can I go to his room, just for sometime, please?" Harry requests.

"I uh...." Zayn says unsurely as he scratches the back of his neck. "Okay sure." He says as he leads him to Louis' room.

"Zee who is it- oh." Liam's voice turns slightly angry as he sees Harry standing in the hallway.

"Uhh hi...?" Harry says nervously, he was still scared of Liam.

"What are you doing here?" Liam asks angrily which makes Harry flinch at his sharp tone.

"Li relax, he just wants to go to Louis' room for sometime, okay?" Zayn says calmly. Liam just simply nods glaring at Harry before going to his bedroom and slamming the bedroom door shut.

Zayn sighs rubbing his temples as he leads Harry to Louis' room.

Harry goes inside the bedroom and shuts the door slowly. He looks around the bedroom and could smell the familiar scent of Louis and his eyes welled up.

He walked towards the bed and there was a black sweater lying on the bed. He picked it up and smelled it and it smelled exactly like Louis.

He clutched the sweater onto his chest and sat at the edge of the bed inhaling shakily.

Gosh he missed Louis. So much.

Everything smelled like Louis that for a second ge felt that Louis was around him. But he wasn't.

Thinking of how Louis wasn't with him anymore made his heart break.

He laid on the bed, stuffing his face onto Louis' pillow and inhaling his scent as he broke into tears.

"I'm so sorry." He says to no one as he sobs against the pillow.

He doesn't know how long it's been since he's in Louis' room but the next thing he remembers is that someone shaking him and telling him to get up.

"Harry wake up." Zayn says as he shakes Harry's shoulder.

"Huh..? What happened?" Harry says groggily.

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