Chapter 27

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~~Sexual content~~


Harry was happier than ever. After Louis dropped him home and kissed him tenderly a few days ago, he couldn't think of anything else.

He had a wide smile plastered on his face all the time. He kept on ranting to Niall about how nice Louis is and how they both would make a perfect relationship.

Well that was one problem.

Louis and Harry did not exactly had the talk. Harry did not even know if he could tell anyone that he had a boyfriend because he never really had 'the boyfriend' chat with Louis.

But again, he knew that Louis has a troubled past and was still dealing with it and he had also promised Louis that they both would take it slow.

Right now he was going to the club to meet Louis.

Louis had texted him saying that his shift would end in a few minutes so after that they could eat dinner together.

Harry obviously agreed and was on his way to the club.

When he reached the club, Louis was nowhere to be seen. He went towards the bar and asked the bartender-who he has never seen before-where Louis was and he said that he was in the backroom.

Harry sneaked into the backroom without anyone noticing and Louis was standing there shirtless, his back facing towards Harry.

Harry went towards him and wrapped his hands around his waist and pressed a kiss on his shoulder. Louis flinched a little but then relaxed.

"Jesus,you scared me!" Louis says as Harry giggles.

"Hi." Harry says smiling.

"Hi love." Louis says smiling as he turns his head and kisses Harry on the cheek.

Harry blushed furiously and hid his head in the crook of Louis' neck.

He was still very shy around Louis and he couldn't help but blush everytime Louis called him using nicknames/pet names like 'love' and 'darling'.

But it wasn't his fault, it was a part of Louis' personality to call everyone 'love'.

"I missed you." Harry mumbles and Louis snorts.

"I met you two days ago." Louis laughs.

"Yes it was two days ago!" Harry exclaims which makes Louis laugh more.

"Now will you let me wear my clothes so that we can go home?" Louis asks as Harry doesn't let go of him. Harry huffs.

When Louis is dressed they both make their way to the parking lot and sit in Louis' car.

"Do you wanna go out to eat or wanna come over to mine and order?" Louis asks as he starts driving.

"Uhm can we go at yours?" Harry asks silently.

"Of course!" Louis says happily. "What do you want to eat? We can pick up the food if you want." Louis suggests.

"Chinese?" Harry recommends and Louis nods.

They both stop by at a Chinese restaurant on their way to Louis' flat and parcel their food and go to their home.

When they reached Louis' flat, the flat was completely silent which made Harry frown.

"Liam isn't here?" Harry asks as he follows Louis to the kitchen, where Louis keeps their food on the counter.

"Nope, just you and me." He smirks as Harry blushes and looks down at his feet.

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