Chapter 15

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"You guys wanna come up?" Louis asked when they pulled up in front of Louis' apartment. "The twins would be happy to see you two." He said with a smile and both Niall and Harry agreed.

They all made their way up to Louis' flat with Louis leading the way as Harry and Niall followed him.

When Louis opened the door, Doris came running towards him as Liam was chasing her.

"Boo!!" She squealed happily and hugged Louis' leg. Louis looked at her smiling and Harry just saw the scene in front of him fondly.

"Louis? What happened?" Liam asks worriedly when he notices Louis' half bruised face.

"I uh had a fight with Nick." He said silently as Doris runs back inside.

"At the club?" Liam asks shocked.

"Yeah." Louis says silently as all the three friends enter the house. Niall and Harry greet Liam and they all enter the living room where Doris was playing with her dolls. They all settle down on the couch as Louis sits in the armchair.

"Where's Ernest?" Louis asks as he doesn't see his brother anywhere in the living room.

"He's asleep." Liam says. "What exactly happened Louis?" Liam asks, his voice filled with concern.

Louis stays silent. He doesn't want to talk about it, especially not in front of Harry and Niall. He doesn't want to have a breakdown in front of them. The things he's been running from the past years all came back in front of him within seconds and he couldn't take it. He wanted to scream, he wanted to cry but he couldn't. Especially not when his little siblings were around. He wanted to talk about it to Liam because he knew Liam would help him by comforting him but he didn't want to say anything in front Harry or Niall. He practically came out in front of Harry and Niall.

No, I'm not gay.

Louis shook his head from all those thoughts and tried to keep himself calm and not let his past ruin the moment now.

They cannot know I'm gay, everyone will hate me. I'm not a faggot, I-

"Louis," Liam says worriedly, Louis came out from all his thoughts and looked at Liam with glossy eyes, "are you okay?"

"Yeah yeah I am." Louis says, before he could say anything Doris walks towards Louis.

"Boo, you huwt." Doris says pointing towards Louis' bruised cheek. She slightly touched his cheek but pulled her hand back immediately when Louis winced in pain.

Louis didn't know what to reply to that so he looked at Liam. Liam figured what he was trying to say and he called Doris towards him.

"Darling Lou just got a little hurt, its not big okay? Go and play." He says smiling at her and she seems to be convinced as she goes back to playing.

Louis gets up and goes to the kitchen to get himself an ice pack, ignoring Liam's pleas to talk to him.

"Hey its okay." Niall says to Liam when he sees his tensed face.

"What did Nick do?" Liam asks.

"I know it isn't our place to say but-" Harry starts not knowing exactly how to tell Liam what happened, "He well came to club and started annoying Louis and then he called him names which made Louis angry and he punched him." Harry completes.

"Oh god." Liam says as he runs his hands in his face.

"Can I?" Harry asks pointing towards the way of kitchen because he wanted to talk to Louis.

"Sure." Liam smiles a little.

Harry wasn't drunk now so he was a little scared going to talk to Louis alone.

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